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|N E W   B E G I N N I N G S|

"Ms. Lee let's go. Taehyung's with us, don't let him wait", Yoongi yelled as he's already holding both of your luggage. He's even wearing your bag.

"W-wait", you cries as you hug Yujin tightly. Resting your head on his chest. You'll miss this tall man in front of you. "Yu, please visit me often. Promise me that", you mumble between your cries.

He nodded and kept himself strong in front of you. He slowly detatch you from the hug and hold your face, "I will. Now go with him, you'll be late", he whispered through your ears but in Yoongi's perspective it seems like Yujin is kissing you. That make the other one annoyed.

"Let's go!", Yoongi suddenly yelled. He get annoyed since he was still problematic on how he will handle having you in his house without his girlfriend knowing. Throughout his stay in Paris all he reasoned her is that he's busy working.

Yujin walk you to Yoongi and nod on him. "Take care of her", he remarks. Yoongi just nodded and signed you to follow him.

You both enter the plane and sit comfortably in your seats. You sit in the middle of Yoongi and Tae. They took a private flight so only the three of your and some of Tae's staff was there. Taehyung didn't greet you much as he knows that both of your were still in a not so good condition.

"Yoon", you uttered as your breathing starts to deepen and fasten. You shake him trying to wake him up but he's wearing headphone. Taehyung notices your breathing and sneak on your seat.

He panic and asks you, "What's happening? What did you need, Raeya?!".

"My blocker", you uttered---still trying to calm yourself. Yoongi finally noticed and rushed to your bag getting one of your syringe. Taehyung observe both of your out of curiousity as his eyes widen seeing Yoongi holding a syringe.

"What was that?!", Tae shockingly asks. No one answered him as Yoongi were si focused on you.

Yoongi rolls up your jacket and inject the liquid on your arm. "Rest yourself", he concernly uttered.

"That was a drug to calm her", Yoongi annoyingly wink on his younger member as he came back to his seat.

You close your eyes and rest as you cam now feel your heart relax. You didn't wear you pulse watch as you left it somewhere. Taehyung mind his own business as he starts to scroll down his phone. The flight were quiet and long. The three of you have slept, ate, and chit chat a bit but Yoongi's attitude on you were still as cold as he is on the first day. You safely arrived in your country you separated ways from Tae as he will be welcome with some reporters and fans. Yoongi took you to the other exit as he made you wear his long black coat and his other cap.

No one notice the two of you as he walk past one street and there he got his driver drove one of his car. They firstly fix the luggage on the back and let you in. Yoongi sits beside you and tell his driver to drive in a specific location.

"Where are we going?", you curiously asks as you just stare on the car window observing the area.

"One of my properties. It is safer for you to stay there since no one knows I bought it except for this man", he pointed the young man in front of him. He has a familiar proportion, he was wearing a shaded glasses and an all black outfit.

"Jungkook?", you confusely muttered, observing the man in front of you.

"Wow. How do you recognize me?", he chuckles as he removes his glasses and look at you on the rear-view mirror.

"Says the man who always wear black", Yoongi teasingly muttered. He smirked on his younger brother and rest his head.

"I didn't notice at first since I was so focus on the view outside. It was nice to meet you", you calmly smile at him as he smiles back.

Yoongi just boredly frown and close his eyes waiting for the car to stop on his garage.

"Hyung told me you're a fan, right?", he asks as he carefully parks the car. "We're here", he announces. He saw you nodded and glance at the man on your side.

"We're here", you tap Yoongi making him awake. Jungkook opens the car door on your side and gave you his sweet smile.

His older brother, Yoongi just mind his own business and grab both of your luggages. He let Jungkook led the way and escort you in. "I know you", Jungkook whispered from your back.

"Huh?", you pardon him as he leads you to the living room. Yoongi is still busy outside.

"I said I know you", he lowered his voice as if he doesn't want anyone to hear. Yet not one is around.

"Ah yes. You may have seen me since I'm a quiet famous model here, right?", you unsurely uttered. You sit comfortably on Yoongi's black leathered couch. You observe the whole visible area and it almost gray and black.

"Yes. I like you tho", he sits beside you and took of his shades and cap.

You turn your gaze on him. His eyes speaks something and you wouldn't want to read it as early as this. Your staring contest with Jungkook got cut by Yoongi's appearance as he cough to caught both of your attention and he sarcastically muttered, "You got your new bias?".

You basically answered on your mind as you lower your head and sighed. I never got myself a new bias but this man beside has always been my greatest wrecker.

Jungkook knew a little about your situation with his hyung as he also knew that Yoongi has a long-term girlfriend. Yoongi ask him to help him out with you since he got lesser work. He was on his break from solo works and promotions for one month. Whilst, Yoongi has a lot of work alligned for him. He's currently working with your dad's company group, Ace.

"Jungkook help me with this!", Yoongi yells from the other side of the house. Jungkook smiles at you and you smile back before roaming around the first floor.

Yoongi's house is a whole mansion looking one. It has three floors and an elevator beside the stairs. The dark marbeled floors highlights the area, the details and furnitures are all on point. All you see is dark, light and minimal. This is always how you imagine his true personality, hideous and dark.

|A/n, new updateeeee even if there's no one waiting here, lol.|

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