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"Gguk", Yoongi whispered as he notice his younger friend in the venue.

"Yes, hyung?", he answered as he raised both of his brows. You are inside the dressing room trying out some dresses.

"Why don't you take this arrange marriage? You like Raeya, right?", he asks without even showing a single shame. His words is full of pride and unbotherness.

Jungkook grits his teeth and curse through his mind, that words wasn't right. It was harsh. "Stop kidding, hyung. You'll marry her because you'll soon to have your own family. You should be thankful for that", he calmly uttered without showing a single hint of him being furious.

"Nah, I hate that child. It'll ruin my relationship with Nayeon", he again spat without even thinking of your side and emotions.

"You can't hate both of them, hyung. We all know that this is another covered rape case of yours, and I'll warn you this time. Don't even think of hurting her or the child. They don't deserve it", Jungkook has finally rrach the end of his fucking patience. His fist were strongly clentched as he tries to control his very self. He doesn't want to hurt his hyung, he won't let those decade and more worth relationship be merely ruin by emotions.

"So you're mad at me now?! Oh, let me tell you this, she beg for that and she enjoyed every thrust I gave her that night", he also grits his teeth and pronounce every words with pressure and hint of teasing.

"Stop this, hyung. Don't ruin her dream wedding", he stops his merging emotions and released a deep breath. He saw how you softly smile as you wear a simple but elegant looking fitted dress.

Both of them has shut their mouth as you walk slowly in the middle of the golden carpet the you personally requested. You were holding a fake soft purple roses as your mentor assisst you on how and what to do during the wedding. Yoongi shook his head and gulp while Jungkook on his back is solely focused on your beautiful figure.

"We'll maybe I got some advantages in this dumb wedding", he murmur to himself as he watch you walk slowly to the sound of piano and violin. The song that plays on your walk is their song, "Film out". The sound of the instrument flows through your ears. You really wished to play that veey song in your wedding and wished it to be him but not in this kind of situation.

Your eyes were tired and empty as you glance between Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi has his eyes focused on you but it was irritating and cold; while, Jungkook's eyes and face were opposite. He smiles fondly on you and his eyes shows a lot of emotions. It seems like it was sparkling in good terms.

"For all them", you mumble to yourself. You took a deep breath and hold unto the arms of your smiling father. Yoongi's father was on his side, with his satisfied eyes yet in a serious face.

"I'm so happy for you darling", your dad whispered as he squeeze your hand and smiles at you.

"Dad, it wasn't even the wedding yet", you chuckles as you witness how his eyes glisten with tears.

"You know how me and your mom got married?", he suddenly uttered. You just hums in response.

"We also got arranged by our parents. My family wasn't that rich but your mother's family was so close to my family that it lead us here. We fell inlove after 6 months of marriage and had you after our first anniversary", his voice has a glimpse of sadness. Both you and your dad walk veey slow in a long carpeted path way to your groom.

"You're arranged?!", you exclaimed, a bit shock by the new things you never know back then. You heard your dather hummed as the instrumental sound disappears in your ears, it was devour by your dad's delicate story.

"We hate each other but then learn to love each other after some time. I hope both you and Yoongi can do the same. You both have everything now and just so you know, my beautiful daughter. I already named all my property in Korea, to yours especially our company", your eyes widen as he announce those sudden words. He smiles at you and pat your head.

"What's wrong, it will all simply be yours in the end. I'm just preparing it all for your future and also for this little baby's future", he added as he caress your clothed bump.

"D-dad", your glistened eyes stares deeply into his eyes. You were indeed grateful to have a parent like him but all of those were too much for you.

He just smiles at you and hold your hand. He carefully hand it to Yoongi, and gave him a parently hug. "Take care of my daugther", he practices his line, he always practice that evee since you exist in this world. He always wish he can hold and see you walking the isle to your wedding day.

Yoongi just nod and smiles at your dad as he delicately held your hand with both of his cold hands. You both face the non-existing priest. He then let go of your hand after some minutes. Jungkook on the other hand just observes everything. He sits besides Yoongi's dad and had a little bit of conversation with him. Also, with your dad, and he did a great impression with Mr. Lee.

After half an hour, the first and last rehearsal of the wedding come to an end. Yoongi had excuse himself to both of your dads as he said he needed finish his VME collaboration since it will also be release within the month. So, basically the wedding on the next day after tomorrow is just an add on to his busy schedule. He's now going to be a married man yet his real girlfriend doesn't even know a single thing that is currently happening to his boyfriend.

You thanked all the staff and chose your final dress. They already taken your size and you also waved your dad and Mr. Min a goodbye. Jungkook also gave the same respect and bow to them. You ask him if he's going to be busy then he as usually answered 'no'. You asked him to bring you to a mall, as you wanted to walk, eat, and relax. He just agreed and guide you to his car.

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