34 |pjm|

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You were crying at the corner of the park, hiding behind the kids slide. You keep on trying to contain your sobs, but the feelings and emotions were just too much to bear.

You love him. You hate him. You accept and support them. Yet, You hate that there was "them". Instead of "you and him". You chuckle as you think of the outer reason on why you've been crying.

Min Yoongi----the idol that captures your heart and lock you into a hell bar. He seems different from what you've known. Or at least what you think he is.

Your tears just continually flows down your pale cheeks, as you think how messed up the situation you're in. As you are too busy to notice your surrounding, a guy walk in front of you, starightly offering his blue handkerchief.

"Here", he offers his handkerchief as both of your eyes met.

You know him too, this wasn't your first meet but it was unexpected to find another member of that group in this strange place.

"P-Park Jimin", you uttered small having a full stutter. Your tired and teary eyes remains staring at his uncluable eyes.

"I am, may I know why you're here alone and crying?", his voice sounded soft and angelic. Almost the most healing sound you've heard since you enter this fuck up situation.

He sits down in front of you and he still managed to keep his keen eyes on you.

"I'm exhausted". Those words came out faintly yet clearly for him to understand how you feel. He silwntly observes you and your surrounding.

An empty syringe.

A bruise on your neck.

Your messy hair and mind.

He notice it all.

"I see. You can open up to me, Raeya. Just to lessen your pain. You can let it out", those last words caught you. You again begin to sob heavily. As you lower your head, resting it on your knees.

"I feel so tired, Jimin", you uttered between your sobs. "I feel so useless yet I feel so used. I feel like no one wants me, and I don't want to feel it right now. I don't want my baby to feel all the pain that I've been going through-", you stoped as you took a really deep breath. He rest his hand on your temple as he slowly caress it.

"Baby?", he asks as he furrows both of his brows, being nervous and curious about your sudden announcement.

"We aren't that close but---I'm pregnant, Jimin. I don't want my baby to feel what I've been feeling but I have no choice", your eyes met his as you stare up at him. You tries to stand up as he helps you by guiding your weight up.

"but who?", his eyes looks shock and with a total hint of hurt. "Uhm. No. I mean, you can tell me whenever you\'re ready".

Park Jimin was indeed one of your admirers. He likes you from the start but didn't get the chance to pursue you because of both of your conflict schedules.

"Min Yoongi".

His cresent moon eyes widen as his grip on your arm starts to loosen. You can notice the change of emotion when you announces the father of your unborn child. As he guides you through your waist. Jimin leads the way unto something you believe is the parking space.

"Let's talk about it inside the car, can we?", he respectfully asks you with full concern. He never expect to see you in this kind of place, and in this painful situation.

The Lee Raeya that he knew or thought to know is strong and independent woman. A woman who dominates runways and magazines. So, this also breaks his heart especially knowing that you're just on a hiatus but you're not.

The two of you continue walk as you reach his parking slot. You crumbles your brows together as the pain kicks in again. You hold unto his car's door and hold you lower abdomen.

As Jimin concernly noticed. He walkback and saw that you are already bleeding, his breath hitches as his eyes widens.

"Fuck! You're bleeding, Ms. Lee", he nervously announces. He quickly holds you back and opens the door, letting you in. "Wait, fuck!".

He enters the car as he secures both of your seatbelt. Also, he slightly slanted your seat, making it more comfortable to you.

"We'll go to the nearest hospital. Hold on, baby", he whispers as he quickly checks you and your bleeding.

You whimpers in pain as your other hand grips the handle of the door and the other one holds your belly.

"J-Jimin, careful", you look unto him as you speak. He drives really fast that the two of you can end up to an accident. You know and also want him to drive quickly but not his fast. This makes you more nervous than you pain and painful possibilities.

"Sorry. I'm just really worried. Just hold on we're two minutes away from this small hospital", he carefuly controls every turns and luckily the road is almost empty that it makes it more easy to drive faster.

"Argh!", you let out a group as another pain occurs. It is a pulling pain inside you. "I c-can't bear this anymore, Park Jimin!, you shouted as it only adds adrenaline to his body.

He quickly parks as his head feels so heavy. He runs to open your door and fastly unbuckles your seatbelt.

"I'll carry you", he carries you, guiding his arms on your back and on the back of your knees.

You are still groaning in pain as you rest your head on his shoulder. While, Jimin runs faster than he can on his way to the emergency room.

The doctors near the entrance notice so they quickly guide Jimin to the nearest bed. As one of them already notice your bleeding.

"What happened, Mr.?", the female doctor asks.

"S-she-", as you notice that Jimin is struggling on what he will say, you cut him and said,

"I-I suddenly felt this pain-", looking at your lower abdomen, "a-and I ended up bleeding".

The doctor easily gets your basic situation. "Bring out the ultrasound machine, Nurse Kim!", she commands. "We'll also conduct blood and urine test, Mr.", she refers to Jimin as she thought that the man you're with right now is your husband.

The doctor also looks suspiciously to him and concernly to you as she notice the the struggle in your appearance. The hair, the bruises, and this end up situation screams domestic abuse.

The nurse quickly set ups the ultrasound machine. While you shut your mouth down, trying to bear the pain. Tears starts to fall as you worry about having a miscarriage.

The two of you didn't notice but some of the patients in the Emergency room and some of the nurses starts to gossip about your identity. Your assigned doctor noticed it as she pulls the curtain close before starting the ultrasound.

She carefuly lowers your gartered pajama and starts the procedure. Jimin nervously bites his nails as he focus on the ultrasound screen.

A faint heart beat echoes the area. Both you and Jimin looks at each other as you quickly turn your head on the monitor.

"We still got an heartbeat. The baby is safe but in a critical case, the heartbeat is faint", she starts to write a prescription as she tells the other nurse to get a sample blood from you.

The doctor knows both of your identity but not your real relationship. So, she still thinks that Park Jimin is your potentialy abusive husband.

She hands the prescription to Jimin as her voice came out irritably, "Buy this on the pharmacy on the right, Mr. Park. Be quick 'cause we need it to calm her down and to make baby's hold stronger".

Jimin being clueless. He just nods and runs through the hallway, finding his way to the pharmacy.

A/n: I'm still alive, luvsss. To anyone who still read this, thank you so much♡

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