Irene's Cabin

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             I woke up in a cabin that had a tall woman in white making something that smelled like herbs. I looked outside and there was nothing but light out there. "Hello, my child," she said almost motherly, "I didn't expect to see you so soon." "Where am I?" I asked worriedly. "Do you not know who I am?" she asked without answering my question. "No," I said instead, "Who are you?" She replied with a motherly tone, "I am the creator of all life. I am even your creator. I am Irene." "Why am I the successor to this curse?!?" I asked angrily. "That wasn't my choice. It was up to the wolf gods." she paused, "If it was up to me, you wouldn't be an Ultima." "Wait, am I dead!?!" I said with tears in my eyes. "Unfortunately yes, my child." After she said that, I broke down and cried. "Do you want to escape death?" Irene asked. "Yes, I'll do anything!" I said waging my tail. "Your brother needs you." she said, "Are you ready?" "Yes," I said. Then the door leading to the outside of the cabin opened and I walked out...

               In a flash of bright light, I woke up in a clean bed, Charlie, Blue, and Aaron were sitting on the couch next to the window. Aaron and Blue were asleep together, and Charlie had his head down. He was saying, "Why did I hurt her like that." Then a nurse walked in and woke Aaron up and said, "Aaron, I'm going to have to take more blood." "Okay," he said groggy. He went to get up, but Blue was still asleep and he didn't want to wake her. "Can we do it here?" he asked. The nurse nodded. I watched as the nurse rubbed the alcohol pad on the inside of Aarons's elbow, then the nurse stuck the needle into his arm. I looked at my arm and saw an IV tube with red liquid flowing into my body. I then traced the tube to an almost empty blood bag which had O- blood, the same as Aaron's. After the nurse was done, she gave Aaron a soda and a sugar cookie. He didn't touch the cookie because it had chocolate (which is highly toxic to werewolves), but he took the soda. The nurse was now writing things down both on the clipboard that she had and on the vials of blood she took. After she was done, she walked out of the room. Charlie finally noticed that I was awake and alerted Aaron. Aaron shot up and ran to the bedside, waking up Blue in the process. "Thank Irene your ok!" Aaron said happily wagging his tail. "I'm so sorry, Shannon!" Charlie cried. I glared at him angrily and said, "You're the reason why I took the pills. You're the reason why I did this! YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I HURT AARON!!!" The nurse from before heard this and came into the room, not knowing that my ultima eyes were showing. Aaron immediately blocked her from going in and called for Blue to find something to cover my eyes with. She found some gauze then quickly ran over to me and wrapped it around my eyes. But she wasn't fast enough. "What is the meaning of this!?!" the nurse said angrily, "Let me through!" The nurse looked into my eyes, and surprisingly, she didn't cry out in pain. "Oh," she said nervously, "the Ultima." "Why aren't my eyes affecting you?" I asked. "Because," she said while revealing her ears and tail, "I'm already a werewolf." I looked at her puzzled, then dismissed it. Then I noticed that Charlie's scales on his hands, feet, and tail had turned a paler green, which means that he was stressed, sad, depressed, or all of the above. "You should feel that way, Charlie!" I said angrily. He just looked down at his feet and started to say sorry but I snapped at him. Just then, Dottie burst through the door out of breath. She must have ran all the way here. I was so happy that I jumped out of the bed but my legs instantly collapsed out from under me. "Shannon!" Dottie exclaimed. She then ran over and picked me up in her arms without struggling, then put me back on the bed. "Dottie, I didn't know you were that strong," I said. "Its something I hide," she had replied shyly. I then heard the running of three people, one of them was a soft pitter padder, which I knew was Kawaii~chan. The others were heavy. The pink Meif'wa burst into the room shouting, "KAWAII~CHAN, ZANE~KUN, AND GARROTH ARE HERE!!!" The two boys ran into the room, one I recognized as Garroth, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, but as soon as he walked in the door, he fell to the ground in pain. I just realized that my eyes were in Ultima form, but it was too late. "Oh no!" I exclaimed instantly covering my eyes. Zane saw this and yelled, "YOU MONSTER!!! HOW COULD YOU?!?" He charged at me but Aaron, Blue, and Dottie got in front of him. "Dottie," Aaron said, "Call Daniel's mom. She will know what to do!" 

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