Susie's Home

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 WARNING!!!! This chapter contains language not suitable for children please skip this chapter if you want your innocence!

                   Susie's POV:

                When my dad pulled into the driveway, he got out then grabbed me out of the car then proceeded to push me into the house. "ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVE!" He yelled. I know what was going to happen. I didn't want to, but I did it anyway. He then grabbed the same knife that he uses to punish me with (which was a hunting knife that had A sharp blade with a jagged saw back and textured handle), then he put several slash marks on my arm. The knife was dull, but it still hurt. "GO TO YOUR ROOM AND GET UNDRESSED!!" He yelled, "I need to take a p**s." 'NO! You're not doing this again!' I thought while grabbing the knife. I went into my room and stripped down to my underwear and hid the knife under my clothes. When he got out of the bathroom, he noticed the knife was gone, then he came into my room with a belt in his hand. "Where's the knife, little girl?" He said angrily. I reached for the knife but he caught on and he grabbed my hand then took the knife. He then slashed my face and he proceeded to hit me with the belt. I was in so much pain that I couldn't move, and that's when he raped me...

After it was done, he left my room and got a beer then sat down to watch TV. I curled up into a ball and cried. Mom was working the nightshift at the hospital just to get away from my dad. I hadn't realized how bad my face was bleeding until I looked at my pillow which had a large bloodstain on it. I looked over to see the knife was still here which I was thankful. 'He doesn't abuse Joey like this!'  I thought, 'That's because he is a werewolf.' I looked around my room to see who said that. I grabbed the knife and sniffed the air to catch a scent but all I could smell was my what my dad did to me. I looked out the window to see a very tall man with arctic white skin in a suit and tie and he didn't have a face. 'Don't be afraid, my child. I will not harm you. To stop what is happening to you, kill your father." 'I can't' I thought back. 'Yes you can, just let go. You have the knife. When you have done it, you will be free.' I nodded then got dressed then walked to where my dad was asleep. I got on top of him and plunged the knife into his chest. He woke up and tried to get me off of him but I was too strong for him. I counted 56 stab wounds, one for each time he raped me. Surprisingly, he was still alive and he was looking at me, spitting up his own blood. I licked the blood-soaked knife which was too dull to end him, so I got up to get one of his bowie knives to slit his throat. I couldn't stop laughing after I had done it. After years of abuse, torment, and rape, I finally ended it. My brother came through the door and saw what I had done. "SUSIE!" He screamed in fear, "WHAT HAVE YOU DO-," That's all he had time to say before I slit his throat. I looked down at him and cried because he was the only one that stood up to dad. "I'm sorry!" I said while crying. The tall man was back again, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'It's ok, my child.' "Who are you?" I said. 'I have been given many names, but you can call me Slender-man' he replied. He then pulled out a mask then gave it to me. 'Wear this when you go on killing sprees. Now get cleaned up. I will dispose of the bodies and clean the blood. You still have to go to school, my child.' He said. "Thank you," I said.

After a long shower, I walked out to see that the living room was spotless and my clothes had no blood on them at all. There were combat boots and a combat knife on my bed when I walked into my room. I picked up the knife, which was razor sharp with serrations on the back of the blade, and it felt perfectly balanced as well. I threw it at the dartboard my dad had and got a bullseye then it flew back to my hand. "That's weird," I said. 'Go kill your mother. She didn't do anything to stop your father.' Slender-man said. I put my mask on then headed out the door, knife in hand, and I skipped the whole way there. I saw my mom in the parking lot and I walked slowly up to her. I threw the knife at her and it landed in her shoulder. She screamed and turned around to face me. "What's wrong, Mommy?" I said. I held my hand out and my knife flew back to my hand and my mom screamed. A thick fog rolled in. "Why are you doing this!?" She yelled, "Who are you?!" I took my mask off and said while smiling, "Don't you recognize your own daughter?" I then threw the knife at her again and hit her in the stomach and she screamed. "You know," I said while calling the knife back, "you could have stopped dad from abusing me and raping me. But he's dead now, and you will be soon." I laughed and walked closer to her then got on top of her and plunged the knife deep into her chest then pulled the knife down to her belly button. Her final moments were looking at what I had become. Then I kept stabbing her again and again for every time she wasn't there to protect me. I felt happy now that my tormentors are dead. I twig snapped behind me and I turned to see my uncle was standing there with a gun. "Susie," He said nervously, "Why did you kill everyone that loved you?" I let out a growl and he pulled the hammer back on the gun that he had pointing at me. "They didn't love me," I said crying, "Your brother raped and abused me! My mom didn't do anything to stop it!" He dropped the gun and gave me a hug. "I will protect you," He said, "I won't let anything bad happen to you again, I promise." I dropped my knife and held on to him then cried. My uncle slowly grabbed the gun but I already had my knife in his shoulder. "Why would you do that, Uncle?" I said smiling, "Now you have to die." I stabbed him in his thigh right where his major artery then I did the same to his other leg. "You bi-," He tried to say before I slit his throat. I smiled and put my mask back on and left him there. I killed everyone that tried to rape me that night then I washed up.

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