Shannon's Visit

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                       Layla's POV:

                 It's been a month that Sissy's been dead and I have been depressed. "Hey," Daniel said, "It will be okay." We were at the house and Bubby was sitting in front of Sissy's grave. He hasn't left her since school was let out for summer. Suddenly, a flash of bright light appeared in the kitchen and Sissy appeared. "SISSY!" I screamed and ran over to her then hugged her. "I missed you too, Layla," She said picking me up. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that had gold stripes on the sleeves, her sides, and going down her skirt. She was wearing a white bow that was studded with sapphires and she had wolf earrings that had rubies for eyes. "Chu are so pretty!" I exclaimed. "Thank you," She said with a smile. I then noticed she had beautiful black feathered wings that were tipped in red. She also had a golden halo floating above her head. "OH MY IRENE!" I squealed in excitement, "CHU AN ANGEL!" Bubby burst threw the door to see why I was screaming but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Sissy.

                 Angel Shannon's POV:

              "Shannon?" Aaron said alarmed. "Yes," I said while still holding Layla in my arms, "I have come to visit." "How long will you stay?" He asked. "Only a few days," I said, "Just long enough to see what's happening now that I am with Irene." "How is she treating you?" He asked. "Kind of like a queen," I said chuckling. I heard mom's car pull in the driveway and I got excited. When Mom opened the door, she dropped everything that she was holding and started to cry. I put Layla down and walked over to her then gave her a hug with both my arms and my giant wings. "How is this possible?" Mom asked, "How did you get wings?" "Mom," I said wagging my tail, "I am an angel now." "My sweet baby girl is an angel," She said while crying, "How is Irene treating you?" "Like her own daughter," I said smiling, "She allowed me to visit everyone and told me that I could come back here anytime I want to." I heard Riley growl behind me and when I turned to look at her, she became passive and walked over to me with her tail wagging. I picked her up then cuddled with her. "You are getting heavy," I said. Riley licked my nose and I hugged her. "I missed you, Riley," I said, "I missed all of you! Wait, where's Dad?" Everyone looked down and alarms went off in my head. "No," I said, "He can't be de-" "No," Aaron said cutting me off, "He's not dead, he's at a bar. Your death hit him the hardest so the only thing he thought he could do to cope, was to drink alcohol." "Which bar?" I asked. "Whisky Wells Irish Pub," Aaron replied. I nodded then went and took off with my wings. It took me no time to get there and when I landed, I heard fighting. I hid my wings and halo then went in the door to see that my dad was fighting two very large men. I rushed in between them and pushed the two men into a table. "Who the h*ll are you?!" The bigger man asked in an Irish accent while getting up, "I suggest you leave, little girl or your knees will be broken!" He was human and I don't know why he would pick a fight with a werewolf, now I sound like Ein! "No," I said firmly. The other man gave him a baseball bat and backed up. The man with the bat started walking towards me and was about to swing but I looked into his eyes with Ultima eyes and he screamed in pain then dropped to the floor. "Anyone else wants some?" I said while changing my eyes to normal. Everyone sat down and I could smell their fear when they did. "Good," I said while turning to my dad, "Sir, come with me." He refused so I had to drag him outside and into the ally. "Dad!" I said, "It's me, Shannon!" "Your not Shannon," He said slurring his words, "Shannon's been dead for three months!" "Dad," I said irritated, "Layla's first words were 'Mommy, I hungy,'." "Oh my, Irene!" He said shocked, "It is you!" "Yeah," I said. I then grabbed him and flew back to the house. He was kicking and screaming all the way there though. When I landed I saw Dottie standing at my grave, so I put dad inside then I went back outside. I lifted off to 20 meters in the sky then swooped down and grabbed Dottie then flew back up. "WHAT IN IRENE?!?!" She screeched. "Hey, calm yourself, please," I said while laughing, "It's just me, Shannon." "How?" She replied. I then gently placed her on the ground then landed next to her. She saw my wings and halo and pulled a "Kawaii~Chan" scream. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Dottie screamed excitedly, "YOU'RE AN ANGEL?!?!" "Yes," I replied. "Why are your wings black?" She asked looking at my wings, "Aren't an angel's wings supposed to be white? Does that mean you're not pure?" "Not all angels have white wings," I said, "Some of us can change the color of them based on our genes or personality. Yes, I have done some bad things in the past but that doesn't mean that I'm not pure. I have met your sister up there." "Really!?" Dottie said with hope exploding in her eyes, "How is she?" "She is doing good," I said, "She really misses you and Irene is allowing her to visit you next month because I begged her to. Irene treats everyone up there as her own children." "Tell Alexia I miss her and that I love her," Dottie said. "I will," I replied. "Can I touch your wings?" She suddenly asked. "Okay," I replied while stretching one wing to her. When she touched the feathers, she gasped because of how soft they were. "It's so soft!" She exclaimed, "It's the softest thing I've ever touched!" "Thanks," I said, "Let's go see what everyone else is doing." "Okay!" She said wagging her tail.

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