The Fall of Alexia

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Warning: Mention of suicide

          Alexia's memories POV:

We were on the way to the hospital because mom was about to have a baby. When we got there, they took both my mom and dad back to the delivery unit. I was three at the time and I didn't know what was going on and they left me with my abusive uncle in the waiting room. I was sitting in the middle of the floor playing with the toys they had. But all of the sudden, my uncle got mad and then hit me across my face. I yelped in pain from it but I did not cry. A few minutes after he hit me, Dad came out the door and said with joy, "It's a girl!" He then noticed the bruise on my face then he asked me what happened. "I fell," I said feeling my uncle's burning stair on the back of my neck. Dad shook it off. "Alexia," Dad said, "Do you want to see her?" "Yes please!" I said wagging my tail. I followed him to see my little sister and Mom. When we entered the room, Mom was cradling my sister in her arms. "I thought of a name," Mom said with a tired but happy tone, "Her name is Dottie." "Can I hold her?" I asked. "Yes, but be careful with her," Mom replied while handing her to me. I held her in my arms and sat in the recliner next to the hospital bed. Dottie had soft purple ears and a very soft purple tail. When she opened her eyes, she had vibrant blue eyes that I fell in love with. You see, every werewolf has a gift that makes them special, mine was foresight (I can see some parts of the future). I saw me and Dottie always together and I would protect her.

                    Six years later, I was still being abused by my uncle but I didn't mind as long as he didn't hurt Dottie. There was this kid named Ein that bullied me a lot and he started to bully Dottie but I tried to stop him and failed. This led to me being the prime target because Ein put me as an omega. Dottie was in the same classes as me and when she caught on what Ein was doing to me, she confronted him. "Dottie," I said, "Please don't do this, I don't want you to get bullied too." "No," Dottie said stubbornly, "I'm not going to sit here and let this happen!" She walked up to Ein and told him to stop picking on me. "What are you going to do about it, Runt?" He taunted flicking Dottie's nose. I got up and grabbed Ein, lifted him off the ground, then pinned him to the wall. "You lay another hand on her and I swear, your teeth will be kicked in!" I said with a snarl, "Got it, Runt?" "You may need to look behind you," He said with a grin. All of a sudden, my legs were pulled out from beneath me and I was getting pummeled by a group of werewolf kids. "Ok, boys," Ein said, "That's enough." The others backed off and Ein kicked me hard in the stomach which knocked the wind out of me. He walked away to sit back down. As I was trying to get up, a hand reached down and pulled me up on my feet. I thought it was Dottie but it was the werewolf boy that was sitting across the room. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded and went back to the omega's table. The boy followed me and I asked what he wanted in a cold tone. "I just wanted to make sure you are okay," He said, "And if you still knew your name. You got hit hard in the head." "My name is Alexia," I said. "Good," He said, "My name is Aaron by the way. I actually don't have any friends, and I was wondering if we could be friends." I looked down then said, "Okay, but if you hurt Dottie, your go-" "Relax," Aaron said, "I won't hurt her. I promise." "Okay," I said...

Two years later, I had my first boyfriend and I was finally happy until he broke up with me. "I'm breaking up with you," Winter said. "Why," I said with tears forming in my pale yellow eyes. "I just don't like you anymore!" He yelled then he walked away. I ran to the counselor's office but the lady wasn't there and the door was open so I ran in then cried under her desk. I stayed there for an hour cutting my wrists with my claws while crying. The counselor didn't go back to her office so I walked out only to get jumped by Ein and his followers. They left me battered and bruised when they were done. I can't take it anymore! I thought, That's it, I'm going to hang myself! I got up when the last school bell rang and went to my locker to get my stuff then I went to go get Dottie and we walked home. "So, Alexia," Dottie said, "How was your day?" I said nothing. When we got home, I went straight to my room and locked the door. I then grabbed a pen and some paper then wrote my suicide note. I grabbed some rope then tied a noose then tied it to a hook on the ceiling. I then unlocked the door and got on a chair and kicked it. My death was instantaneous and I feel bad for leaving Dottie. My spirit was there while my mom kicked the door down. Seeing this broke me and I realized that I was trapped. I followed Dottie for a while to make sure that she was okay and I stopped her from harming herself. When you met her, she became happier, I said while taking her back to the memory corridor then back to Starlight...

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