My grandmother didn't believe one word of what I said about the grey creatures cornering me on the street. She laughed right in my face – saying something about how the Power Rangers would never help me because I was a worthless wench who didn't deserve to be saved. First, I didn't even know who the Power Rangers were and second, I did too deserve to be saved because I did nothing wrong. It really upset me that she didn't believe me or even seem to care that any of this happened. I was really distraught about it, and I don't think I slept at all the night it happened. I know I didn't sleep the next day and that made it really hard to go back to school Friday morning.
I yawned all the way as I walked to my locker, not having an ounce of energy in me to make it through the day. I truly didn't know how I was going to manage. I tried to open my locker and failed on the first attempt but on the second go around, I tried Adam's trick and it popped right open. I sighed as I slung my backpack over one of the hooks and took out my morning class materials.
"I think this belongs to you." Adam's voice behind me startled me enough to drop my things. I had been more paranoid than normal since the other night so him coming up behind me unannounced scared me. I looked at Adam to see he was holding my violin case and that confused me because I had dropped it the other night when I was running away from the creatures. How could he possibly have it?
"My violin. Where did you get this?" I questioned.
"Rocky and I were walking home the other night from the Youth Center and I saw it on the ground. I opened it and saw your name written in the case." Adam told me.
"Thanks." I muttered, "I couldn't remember where I lost it..."
"Let me help you pick up your stuff!" I hadn't realized a girl had been standing with Adam, but she was short like me, but still slightly taller, and wore her hair in a high pony tail with a pink ribbon tied into it.
"Oh, thank you." I told her as we gathered all my things and picked them up.
"I'm Kimberly, or Kim for short." She smiled.
"Hi, I'm Danielle. I don't go by anything for short." I smiled back.
"I hope you'll be sitting at lunch with us today." Kimberly commented.
"As long as I don't get suspended again." I laughed.
"Adam and Rocky told me what you did to Bulk and Skull, and I honestly think it's funny. It's about time someone sticks up to those two morons." Kimberly laughed.
"We should get to class." Adam reminded up that we only had a few minutes to get where we needed to be before we were going to be tardy.
"See you guys later!" Kimberly skipped off, her brown hair bobbing at the nape of her neck as she disappeared into the crowd of other students making their way to where they needed to be.
I followed behind Adam and we made it into class just as the bell rang. I quickly took my seat and hoped to not get into any trouble today. I yawned as I leaned forward with my elbows on my desk, trying to keep my eyes open. I had a slight headache that was forming, and I knew it would only get worse throughout the day.
Just as I started to close my eyes and fall asleep, a sheet of folded paper slid in front of me and I looked to see Adam lean back in his seat to make it look as if he were just adjusting his position so he wouldn't get caught. I unfolded it and read his note.
You look like you've seen a ghost.
I picked my pencil up and started writing back.
I think I did.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam Park
Fiksi PenggemarSeventeen-year-old Danielle had her world flipped upside down after a sudden tragedy in her family. Being forced to move in with her estranged grandmother on her father's side was the hardest thing she had to do. Learning to get along with her grand...