forty five

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After Adam took me home that night, I decided to take another shower. Not that I was dirty because I had already showered once this afternoon after school, but because I had make up on and hair products in my hair that I didn't want to sleep in overnight. I carefully took my communicator off my wrist like I always did and laid it across the top of my dresser with some of the other jewelry I had been wearing. Then I grabbed a pair of pajamas out and the hoodie Adam had let me borrow the other day at school. It was cold in my room so I planned on sleeping in it.

I took a long hot shower to remove all the make up while I thought about how great the night way. I couldn't have asked for a better night with not only just Adam, but all of my friends as well. It was a night that I was always going to remember. After getting dressed my shower, I picked up my picture from Adam and I and couldn't help but smile at it. It was our first picture taken together and I wrote that on the back with both of our names and the date. I held it in my hands for a few minutes before setting it down next to my communicator. It was a really good picture of us and I was going to cherish it.

Once I was done looking at it, I set it inside one of my drawers with the intentions of getting a frame to put it in so that I could hang it up somewhere but then again, I thought about hanging it up in my locker tomorrow at school. I wondered what Adam was going to do with the copy he got but really that was his business. He was a guy after all, and sometimes they aren't that sentimental. I wasn't sure about that side of Adam yet though.

I could hear my grandmother moving around downstairs because I had left my bedroom door open after coming back in after my shower. It sounded like she was in the kitchen moving pots and pans around but I didn't really care what she was doing as long as she wasn't bothering me. She could stay down there for the rest of the night and I would be okay with that. After putting my picture up, I pulled back the sheets on my bed and started to get it ready for the night. I wasn't sure if I was actually going to sleep or not because I knew as soon as I tried, I'd force myself awake because I'd start to think about everything that I didn't want too. I wondered if Billy had had a second nightmare like I had... but I was too afraid to even ask. I knew how hard they were to talk about in the first place so even if he had another one like I did, I wasn't going to ask him about it because I was sure he would approach me like he did the last time to talk about it. We were both going through something weird that neither of us really understood.

My day had started off really bad because of the nightmare last night but it got so much better by the end of the day. I just wanted things to be better period. I didn't want my days to start off bad like that... I just wanted them to start off good for once. I didn't want to wake up in a panic or have to wonder what was going to happen to me that day. I just wanted to live like a normal teenager for once. I ran my hairbrush through my hair once more before finally deciding that I would at least attempt to lay down.

Just as I was about to lay down in bed for the night – thinking that I could finally sleep for once because I had nothing else on my mind, my grandmother came upstairs and asked for my help in the basement for just a few minutes. She had told me she had been cleaning the basement up all night so that I could start moving my room down there. I didn't know what she needed help with right now or why it couldn't wait until tomorrow because she clearly saw that I was getting ready for bed... which is what she should have been doing.

What I didn't know was that when I followed her all the way down there, she would pretend that she forgot something upstairs. I stood around for a few minutes, not really paying attention to anything as I waited for her to come back down but the longer I stood there, the more tired I got and I just wanted to go crawl into my bed and maybe have a peaceful night of sleep for once. But when I went to go see what was taking her so long, I discovered that the basement door had been locked from the outside. I was confused at first and kind of just stood there staring at the door handle but then I tugged and pushed on the handle and even smacked the door a few times. Why would she have locked the door? Did she forget that I was down here or something? I called out for my grandmother but she wasn't answering... and the door wasn't opening. I pulled and pushed on the door in a complete panic but nothing was happening.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam ParkWhere stories live. Discover now