forty one

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My grandmother came into my room to wake me up right before my alarm went off. I was already awake but I didn't move an inch until that alarm went off. I felt gross when I woke up, so the first thing I did was take a shower. I had no energy to put an effort into looking decent today, so after I got out of the shower I just threw on whatever clothes I grabbed and tied my hair up on the top of my head. I didn't even bother to brush it. I even skipped breakfast, but I sat at the kitchen table until it was time for me to leave for school. I watched out the window, hoping to catch Aisha walking so that I didn't have to walk by myself.

I didn't see her though but to my surprise, just as I was about to leave I saw Billy walking up my street. I stopped on the sidewalk and waited for him to reach the corner. I crossed my arms as he reached me but then I greeted him as we rounded the corner to head towards the school.

"Good morning." I told him.

"Good morning. I hope you don't mind that I asked Adam what your address was... I was hoping that maybe I could talk to you about something." Billy said.

"Oh, I don't mind at all. Actually, I've been wanting to talk to you too." I admitted.

"Everyone told me that you were pretty adamant about pulling me out of that... reality we were in. Zordon and Alpha said you wouldn't even wait until you weren't so weak. Why is that?" Billy asked.

"Yeah, I was pretty adamant about it. I did it because I was in a reality too... and if yours was anything like mine, then I knew you probably shouldn't have been in it. It was a terrible sight that I can't even get out of my own head right now." I shook my head, "It was a complete nightmare and I wished I could have just bashed my head off a wall just to get it to stop."

"So, yours was bad too... huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was. It was a scene of what my brain created my parents to look like after they died... and them blaming me for it." I cleared my throat as I watched the ground as we walked.

"Mine was about and old friend of mine. His name was Kody and he got in trouble with the law one night when we were together. He had some really stupid stuff in the past, but that night he was drunk I think. We were walking at nighttime and he kept talking about wanting to break into someone's house. He talked about it multiple times. I should have forced him to go home... or call his dad. But, I didn't. Well, we broke into someone's house after he talked me into it. It ended up being his own cousins house, but still... that's not the point. I watched his cousins dog almost maul him to death and I can't help but feel responsible for it sometimes because I knew he wanted to break into someone's house." Billy explained.

"What happened to him?" I wondered.

"He was in jail for a while but then he got sent to live with his mother across the globe, actually. I think he lives in like Europe or something now but in that nightmare, I was the one being mauled because I didn't stop him. It felt so..." Billy shook his head.

"Real? Yeah, I know... It really did... and now, I keep drifting off into space to think about it... and I can't stop myself from doing it. I try so hard not to think about it, but it's still there..." I muttered.

"Yeah, same here... and I swore I even saw the dog last night in my room but I knew it was real." He told me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I said.

"Yeah, me too." Billy cleared his throat this time, "I have been wondering if you had a similar experience with this reality and I didn't exactly want to talk about it with the others."

"I get that. I haven't even told Adam what I saw. He just knows that I saw something and I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep it that way because I'm trying to just forget it." I said, "And I'm not telling Zordon or Alpha either since I'm technically no longer their issue."

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