"So, where are you taking me?" I asked Adam as we walked. There was still so much of Angel Grove that I haven't seen since moving here so I had the least bit of clue where we were.
"Just somewhere I used to love going as a kid. I still come here from time to time. No one else knows about this place. This is something special I'm showing you only." Adam told me.
"Well, that makes me feel special." I blushed, "Does this have something to do with the fact you like me?" I wondered.
"Maybe." He chuckled.
"You're not taking me somewhere to murder me, are you?" I teased as I nudged him.
"Of course not." He shook his head, "Don't make fun of me for this place either."
"Well, if it's a place you're telling me to not make fun of you for... then I'm probably going to make fun of you for it." I continued teasing him.
"Fine, I'll accept it if it's coming from you. Not the others, which is why I'm only showing this place to you." He looked at me.
"I promise that my lips are sealed." I smiled, "Now – can you please tell me where we're going?"
"We're here, so you can see for yourself. This park was abandoned when I was a little kid but I always loved coming here to this very specific spot. There was just something about it that I liked and I still do. It's peaceful because it's abandoned. No one comes here and it stays unbothered." Adam explained.
"You were afraid that I was going to make fun of you for an old park?" I questioned.
"Well no. It's not the park itself. It's this – the tree house." Adam walked closure to it and reached up, grabbing a rope latter that was set on the ledge of the treehouse and pulled it down.
"Now I see the fear of judgement. What a nerd." I teased as I watched Adam climb the rope latter with ease. I had expected him to look like a giant compared to this tree house, but it was actually a decently sized one, which made sense for it being at a park.
"Well are you coming or not?" Adam looked down at me. There was a small platform that surrounded the treehouse with a railing which also made sense since it was one apart of this park.
"I don't exactly trust this ladder." I muttered looking at it.
"You just watched me climb up it just fine. Come on, Danielle." Adam continued looking down at me.
"Fine, but if I fall... it's all your fault." I muttered, just giving him a hard time.
"Come on, I won't let you fall." He laughed as he stepped closer to the rope ladder to watch me climb it.
I made it to the top with him and he took my hand as he started walking around the platform. We had a clear view of the park and it was oddly beautiful for being abandoned. We stopped at one of the corners and both leaned against the railing. I didn't entirely trust the safety of the railing, so I didn't put a lot of pressure on it the way Adam did but then he scared the crap out of me when he realized what I was doing. He grabbed the railing with both of his hands and violently shook it, just about giving me a heart attack as I stumbled backwards trying to make sure I was going to fall onto the ground.
Adam thought it was the funniest thing because I had never seen him laugh this hard. I glared at him as I crossed my arms and then pouted. I didn't think it was that funny but I guess as long as he was amused... Once he stopped laughing, he finally stood next to me and then apologized for scaring me.
"You know... my grandmother called the cops on purpose the other night. She didn't care that I wasn't there. She just wanted to hurt me." I told Adam as I sighed.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam Park
FanfictionSeventeen-year-old Danielle had her world flipped upside down after a sudden tragedy in her family. Being forced to move in with her estranged grandmother on her father's side was the hardest thing she had to do. Learning to get along with her grand...