Numb had become my permanent feeling. I couldn't even bring myself to leave the sketchy tree house once I climbed up there and hid. It was well into the next morning when I finally even moved to brush my hair out of my face. I had sat there all night with my knees brought up to my chest and my face buried in them. My entire body was shaking as I leaned my head back against the wall I was sitting against. It was cold out this morning and I could see my breath. My stomach growled but I wasn't the slightest bit hungry. My mouth was kind of dry, but I didn't care.
I looked over at the bag of clothes I had packed. Looking at it hurt... a lot. I never thought I would be at this place in my life. I never thought I would be thinking half of the things I was. How could I have let all of this happen? How could I have been so stupid? Tears started rolling down my cheeks as the numbness started taking over. I couldn't deal with any of it anymore. I didn't want too. I just wanted to be back with my parents. I missed them. I felt like there was an actual whole in my heart that could never be repaired.
No one was going to care that I was missing anyways. I was nothing but a problem to everyone and I caused trouble everywhere I went. I was better off gone. I didn't bother wiping away the tears – I let them flow out until I couldn't cry anymore. I didn't bother trying to hide the emotions.
"How could you be so stupid?" I muttered to myself as I reached up and ran my hands through my hair. "You're such an idiot! Nobody wants you! Not even your own parents!" I grabbed fist fulls of my hair – tugging harshly on the hair, but not hard enough to pull it out. I leaned forward and then slammed my head back against the wall as I let out a loud scream. I didn't care if a soul heard me.
I froze when I heard the sound of a siren but then it soon disappeared. I didn't care what happened to me at this point. I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. I didn't want to feel anything anymore. I sat there for hours – emotionless but yet full of every single emotion at the same time. The tears never stopped. They would pause only for a moment and then slip right out the brim of my eyes again.
Two things flashed through my head. The first being a scene of the crash I had made up in my head. I hadn't witnessed it, but I saw photos of the wreck and it was terrible. I based the vision on the pictures. The second being Kimberly putting her arm around Adam's shoulder and being right in his face. I had thought that Aisha would have told Kimberly that I liked him but it was clear that she didn't because she was hanging all over him. How could he even do that? He just asked me out – and here I was sitting in the very spot where he kissed me so that I wouldn't tell people our first kiss was because of CPR. How could I have been so stupid to think that he was falling for me? How could I even be so stupid to have fallen for him?
This whole time, he had been so nice to me – but that was because he felt bad for me. He knew what was going on with me and he took pity on me. That's probably the only reason I became a power ranger too. I sucked at that just as much as I sucked at being a human being. I didn't have the skills like the others. I was honestly useless, and I probably just got in their way. They were all probably happy that I was gone. One less thing they had to deal with.
I sighed as I laid down on the floor, using my backpack at a pillow as I stared up at the rotting wood. It looked like the roof was going to cave in at any time and I wasn't even the list bit worried when I heard the sounds of raindrops pelting down on the roof and the platform around the tree house. A few slipped through the cracks of the wood but missed me entirely. A small puddle formed a few feet away from me but the rain gave up just moments later. That's when I heard the wind pick up outside and I felt a cold breeze through the cracks. I curled up in a little ball to conserve whatever body heat I had left.
I spent the night listening to the rain pour on and off. One minute it was raining hard and then the next it was a light drizzle. It made for a long night, but my mind contributed to that. I couldn't stop thinking about every single stupid thing I've ever said or done. Every time I got in trouble Every time I got someone else in trouble. Every time I hurt my parents. Every time I disappointed them. Every time I probably made them wonder how they had such a horrible daughter... the thoughts never stopped. They kept coming. They kept making me feel worse and worse.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam Park
FanfictionSeventeen-year-old Danielle had her world flipped upside down after a sudden tragedy in her family. Being forced to move in with her estranged grandmother on her father's side was the hardest thing she had to do. Learning to get along with her grand...