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It was well after our first period class when we arrived back at school. Sneaking back in was a lot harder than we thought and we did end up getting caught. All seven of us were seated out of the principal's office, waiting for our parents to be called and our punishment to be divvied out to us. I sat between Rocky and Adam, nervously shaking my leg because I knew my grandmother was not going to like this. I was even nervously tapping my fingers on the side of the chair and Adam noticed.

"We're probably just going to get detention, you know." Adam whispered, eyeing me.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about what my grandmother was going to have to say... and what she was going to do to me when I got home this afternoon.

"You got suspended, yet you're afraid of getting detention? I don't understand." Adam commented.

"That's not what I'm afraid of." I whispered back, unable to even look back at him.

"Then what is it?" Rocky whispered, listening to our conversation.

"Nothing." I muttered, swallowing hard. "All I have to say is, don't expect me to ever be able to hang out with you guys after school because I am going to be grounded for the rest of my life."

"Is your grandmother really that strict?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, something like that..." I swallowed hard again, thinking of all the possible things she could and would do to me. All the adrenaline from this morning had disappeared and had been replaced with absolute fear. I could feel my hands shaking and I'm sure Adam saw it too because he did reach over and grab my hand – steadying it as I tried to inhale a deep breath.

I glanced up from him and pulled my hand away, unsure of why he did that, but it only made me feel more embarrassed for some odd reason. I tried to take another deep breath and then I heard my grandmothers' heels clicking down the hallway. I didn't even have to look up to know it was her. My stomach sank when I glanced up to make sure, only to receive one of the most disappointing looks I had ever gotten – granted, all the disappointing looks I had ever gotten were from here... but this one was worse. I could see the anger in her eyes as she stepped into the principal's office and then I was called in right after her.

I sat down next to her, keeping my head hung low as I listened to my grandmother and the principal talk to each other. I was lectured about how skipping was serious and how it could lead me down the wrong path and I wanted to so badly tell them why I skipped because I had a legitimate reason, but I knew I had to keep my secret... a secret. My punishment from my principal was detention for the rest of the day, and detention every day for one hour the rest of the week. From my understanding, everyone else got the same punishment. I could deal with that... but I couldn't deal with what I knew was going to happen at home.

One by one, we all filled the detention room... along with Bulk and Skull. Great... two people I didn't want to be dealing with right now. They better just keep their mouths shut towards me and their eyeballs off me. I made it a point to give them a dirty look when I walked past them to find an empty seat. They were both seated in front of me, so I didn't have to worry about anything getting poured in my hair this time.

I crossed my arms and stared at the front of the room, unsure of what exactly we were supposed to be doing in detention. From the current demeanor of the teacher, he looked like he really didn't want to be there like the rest of it. It was only moments after everyone took seats that he fell asleep at his desk. Not just a light "oh I'll wake up if you move" sleep, a deep heavy snore filled sleep. Bulk and Skull wasted no time turning their desks and start talking with each other. So, that's what the rest of us did. Kimberly, Aisha, and Tommy all faced each other, while Adam, Rocky, and Billy did the same. I left my desk alone and rested my head – trying to calm myself down.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam ParkWhere stories live. Discover now