thirty six

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When my eyes opened, I had not a single clue of anything that had happened. All I knew was that every part of my body hurt and it felt like something was holding me down. It literally felt like a weight was on top of me. I fluttered my eyes for a few minutes, trying to adjust to the lighting – but I knew something was wrong with that because everything was coming in as shades of oranges and tans. It almost looked like a sunset in a sense, but I knew it wasn't. I looked around me, seeing that I was in the command center. I didn't know how I had gotten there. I tried to sit up, holding my side as I winced from the pressure. Did someone kick me in the ribs? Because that's what it sure felt like.

I looked to me left, seeing Billy laid out on a cot – just like I had seemed to be. I looked around some more. Billy was the only person there with me. I called out to Zordon and even Alpha, but neither of them answered. Where could they have gone? I used what little strength I had to climb off the cot. I used it to steady myself first before limping over to Billy to make sure he was okay. He was bandaged up.

"Billy?" I shook his arm. Nothing. He didn't even twitch. "Billy?"

Why wasn't he waking up? I was getting extremely concerned.

"Billy?" I shook him harder, "Billy wake up!"


"Billy, this isn't funny! BILLY!" Nothing.

I started shaking as I reached up to check his pulse. There was one – and then I could see his chest moving up and down which did give me a little relief, but I didn't know what was wrong with him because he wouldn't wake up. He just laid there, limp.

"Hello? ANYONE? Zordon?" I called out.


"Alpha?" I started walking towards Zordon's life energy tube.

Still silence.

"Adam?" I shouted, "Rocky? Kim? Tommy? Aisha? Anyone?'

Total silence. Where could everyone be? Why weren't Zordon or Alpha answering me? What was going on right now? I walked around the command center, stopping every few seconds to catch my breath. It felt like I had broken a rib and it was taking the wind right out of me. When I stopped and leaned against one of the control panels, I checked my communicator. I tried to get in contract with one of the others but nothing was working. It was almost like I was here all alone, but I wasn't because I could physically see Billy laying right there helpless on the cot.

I was still confused why I couldn't see things in their normal colors. Everything was still oranges and tans. Was there something wrong with me? Was I actually even awake right now, or was I dreaming? Because this really felt like a dream but yet it felt so real at the same time. I continued leaning on the control panel, still confused about everything that was going on. There had to be someone here. There just had to be.

When I finally caught my breath, I started to walk to one of the many hidden exits of the command center. I wasn't sure what to expect when I stepped outside because I had never actually used one of the exits there. I had always just used my communicator like everyone else. When I stepped outside, I was greeted with a very familiar place. A please I knew wasn't real because I was back in my old house in Michigan.

I stood frozen just outside of the command center, but when I looked behind me it was like it was never there. All that was in my sight was the neighbor's house across the street and I was even more confused now than I was before. I felt like I had forgotten to walk for a few minutes as I stood there. There was no way this could be real. Just no way.

I looked around, seeing the two rose bushes my mother had planted years ago still blooming fully in the front yard. The grass was the greenest I had ever seen it and there was a small breeze flowing through the air and I could hear the faint sound of an ice cream truck music playing in the distance.

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