It didn't take me long to fall asleep – but I wasn't in a deep sleep like I wanted. I could hear bits and pieces of Adam and Rocky's conversations and most of their laughter. It was eventually loud enough to wake me up a few hours later, but I didn't say anything to them. I just curled up more in Adam's lap and listened to them talk about some video game. Their conversation was quite boring, so I chose to focus on the rain instead. It was coming down like a tsunami and every so often, there would be aloud rumble of thunder followed by a crack of lightning.
At one point it got so quiet in Adam's room that I heard my stomach grumbling out loud. I was hungry but I had no energy to even eat. But I know it was loud enough that I know Adam and Rocky heard it. Rocky was the first to start laughing, which resulted in me starting to laugh because it honestly sounded like I had a gas bubble building up in my stomach and I was about to let one rip. That wasn't the case though.
"Are you about to pass gas?" Rocky asked, still laughing.
"I swear I'm just hungry!" I sat up and put my hand on my stomach as I looked at Rocky. He hadn't moved from the chair but as soon as I moved my head out of Adam's lap he got up and walked out of the room. I wondered if I had upset him because he like sprinted out of the room.
"It totally sounded like you were going to fart." Rocky leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I know it did. That was terrible." I shook my head, "Is Adam okay?"
"Don't mind him. He's had to use the bathroom for like the last 45 minutes, but he was too afraid he'd wake you if he got up. He won't admit that to you thought which is why I'm telling you." Rocky said.
"He could have just gotten up." I frowned.
"That boy is too head over heels for you right now to do that... not especially when you just scared him, well... all of us half to death." Rocky said.
"I know he's head over heels for me and he shouldn't be." I sighed.
"Why not?" Rocky asked.
"It's a long story." I muttered.
"You obviously like him too. So what's the big deal?" he asked.
"I'm just... complicated." I muttered.
Adam returned and that ended that topic of conversation between Rocky and I. Adam sat back down on the bed next to me and glanced at me before telling us that his grandmother ordered pizza. I couldn't help but feel like he asked because of me and that made me feel bad. If he hadn't heard my stomach growl, he probably would have never asked.
"How did that fight end with Goldar and that freaky looking monster?" I asked.
"Goldar fled like he always did – right after you tried to stop him again. As for that creepy monster, we took care of him without any problems. The megazords did the trick." Rocky said.
"How come I don't have a megazord?" I wondered.
"That's a good question – one for Alpha and Zordon." Adam said.
"Why did I demorph during that fight?" I questioned.
"Sometimes when we get hit hard enough, it causes too much damage to our armor and that causes us to demorph." Adam explained.
"I thought the purpose of the suits was to protect us from getting injured. If we demorph during a fight, then we're more susceptible to getting injured." I pointed out.
"Zordon would never let that happen. It's a very rare occasion that we de-morph. It's only happened to a few of us." Rocky said.
"Interesting... I guess." I muttered.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam Park
FanfictionSeventeen-year-old Danielle had her world flipped upside down after a sudden tragedy in her family. Being forced to move in with her estranged grandmother on her father's side was the hardest thing she had to do. Learning to get along with her grand...