thirty seven

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I groaned as I attempted to sit up. My head was spinning, and I felt like I was going to be sick. When I opened my eyes to see that I was in the command center, I instantly tried to remember where there was a trash can was at. It took me a few seconds to think of where it was at, but then I remembered it was in the back of the room near one of the doors that led into a hall.

I sat up and tried to slid off the cot I was laying on but as I tried to stand someone grabbed me and tried to make me lay back down. That was not smart on their end because I was seconds away from getting sick on whoever it was. I managed to slip whoever's attempted grip on me and stumbled towards the trashcan. If I had moved a second slower, I would not have made it. I hunched over the trashcan and that's where everything just started coming up. I was so sick to my stomach from the nightmare that I just endured that I could not even stomach the thought of it.

As I remained hunched over the trashcan, I felt someone pull my hair back and put their hand on my back. My first instinct was Adam because that's just the type of person he was. But after I finished getting sick, I turned my head slightly to see that it was Aisha. I hated getting sick in front of anyone. It was just embarrassing in my opinion. I really hated it.

"I really don't think you wanted Adam to see all of that, so I made him keep his distance." Aisha commented.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah, the room is just kind of spinning right now." I told her, "What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us the same thing." Aisha said.

"Are you okay? Because it's literally giving me the worst anxiety right now standing over here instead of right next to you." Adam said from a few feet away from me. He was standing near the cot I had just been laying on and I could tell that it was taking everything in him not to run over to me right now.

"Adam, I'm fine." I lied to him.

"You just told Aisha that the room is kind of spinning right now and you just threw up. Try again." Adam watched me.

"Is Billy alright?" I asked.

"He – he isn't awake yet." Adam looked behind him, "Can I please come over there yet?"

"Not until I dispose of this... mess..." I muttered.

"Don't worry about it. I'll remove the bag." Aisha said, "Don't make that poor boy worry about you anymore than he has too. He is honestly probably going crazy right now."

"You don't have to clean up my mess." I looked at her, "That is gross."

"Don't forget that I work in the school's nursing office. I clean it up way more than you think, Danielle. Really, don't worry about it." She smiled, taking the bag out of the trashcan and tied it up.

Before I could even say another work to Adam, he was already at my side and helping me up to my feet. I was relying on him a lot for balance right now because it did feel like I was going to fall over if I were standing on my own right now. I wrapped my arm around Adam's shoulder when I realized that he was leaning over to scoop me up from the ground. It was like he was lifting a feather because it he did it so easily and without any effort, but yet he was holding me securely and tightly as he carried me back over to the cot and made me sit there until he knew I was a hundred percent okay.

I hadn't realized how badly I was shaking until Adam took one of my hands in his and brought it up to his cheek as he watched me closely. I looked down and stared at his chest – afraid that if I kept looking into his eyes, that I might start crying... and I already felt broken enough from the nightmare I had. I tried not to think about it, but that's the only thing that was swirling around in my head right now. I just wanted to know what had happened. It felt so real... You probably couldn't convince me otherwise right now.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam ParkWhere stories live. Discover now