P r o l o g u e

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Woozi's POV

"You're still at the early stage 4 of heart cancer. We can work on it if you start the chemotherapy now, Mr. Lee."

The thump in my heart got even more louder that it supposed to be. I feel like my whole world just crash.

Knowing I have a disease even worser at stage 4 made me lose my will to continue living in this cruel world.

'No. No, I can't just lose this fight without starting it. I have to be strong, for my family.' I thought shaking my head lightly.

I grip on the chair I was sitting on so hard that my knuckles turns white. Hot tears are threatening to fall from my eyes but I hold it back.

Dr. Noah's voice woke me up from my deep thoughts. "Mr. Lee? How? Shall we proceed with the chemo? I can set your next appointment."

I look up to him and shook my head lightly making him frown. "No, I mean, not now. I will tell you later if I agree to proceed with this."

I shakily stood up from my seat and grab my blazer ready to leave the room and this hospital.

"But, wait Mr. Lee, we have to do it as soon as possi-"

"I will! I will inform you later. Don't push me, Dr. And please, this is only between us. I don't want my family know about this damn disease."

I said trying to hold back my sudden emotion from exploding and turn to leave the room.

I walk towards the parking lot with lots of things that I'm trying to comprehend with my situation.

"I can't do the chemo process. I'm going to lose my hair bit by bit and I will look unhealthy as hell. Anyone will know about it. I should find a way."

I mumbles under my breathe leaning my head towards the steering wheel while thinking something.

An idea shot through my head in instance.

I look up smiling softly before coughing lightly and start my engine.

"Maybe that's the only way."


Hello everyone! 🖤

How's the prologue? 😊

I guess this is just another roller coaster of emotions for a Woozi fanfic 🥵🤟🏻

This idea just popped up in my mind and I thought why don't I just write this wonderful storyline up before I lose the spark 🤧

Thank you for supporting me and my books always! 🥰

I hope you guys can write down your thoughts and reaction on the upcoming chapters! 🥳🥳🥳

Don't forget to vote too! 😤

Thank you! 🌈

Lava you guys!💜🤍

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