˚* ❀ eleven

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Jia's POV

"Omo! You're so pretty!"

A woman comes into the living room wearing a simple dress yet it still looks expensive in my point of view. An older man follows her from behind seconds after which I assume both of them are Jihoon's parents.

I get up quickly from my seat and bow down politely to them showing my respect as Soomi follows my action too.

"Hello, good evening, Mr and Mrs Lee."

"Aigoo, good evening to you too." Mrs Lee exclaims in glee.

"Jihoon-ah, no wonder you just ignore Jisoo just like that. Turns out, you have a better woman than her." Mr Lee teases Jihoon as he just shakes his head to his father.

His parents took a seat opposites us as I sat back in my original seat with Soomi sitting between me and Jihoon.

"What do they call this pretty young lady?" Mr Lee politely asks me.

"My name is Kang Jia. You can just call me Jia." I answers in a soft voice while smiling too.

"Aigoo, what a pretty name for a pretty lady like you!" Mrs Lee squeals cheekily as I just chuckles.

"Thank you. This is-" I tries to introduce Soomi to them but Mr Lee beat me into it.

"And who is this cute beautiful little girl here?" Mr Lee leans forward a little as Soomi looks at me and Jihoon.

Jihoon pats her back softly. "Say your name, baby."

"Hello, I am Kang Soomi. I am three years old turning four." Soomi said in a robotic voice before bowing down too deeply.

Both Jihoon's parents grins widely watching how adorable Soomi's actions are.

"She's my nie-"

"She's Jia's daughter. And mine too." Jihoon cuts me off as I glances to him in confused but I quickly hide it.

I nervously turns to look at his parents.

'Just get ready to leave, Jia. Who the hell wants their son marries a whole single mother?' I dramatically thought.

I met eyes with his parents as they just smile and nod their heads together.

"I see, We understand." They said in unison.

"Soomi-ya, come, Grandpa and Grandma wants to have a hug from you." Mr Lee softly said to Soomi.

Somehow, I felt really grateful knowing how they can accept Soomi's presence.

Perhaps, Jihoon already told them beforehand that I have a daughter? Maybe that's why they don't look like they're surprised, in fact, they're too happy to see Soomi.

Soomi looks up to Jihoon as if asking his permission. "Daddy, can I?"

"Sure, just go. It's your grandparents." Jihoon caresses her hair before letting Soomi walks over to his parents.

"Omo omo omo, you're so cute but you're quite thin too. Don't worry, after this, Grandma will feed you a lot of delicious foods! Do you like it?" Mrs Lee cuddles Soomi in her hold together with Mr Lee.

Her eyes twinkles in excitement. "I love it! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!"

"Aigoo, so irresistible." Mr Lee pinches her cheeks.

I can feel my eyes gets watery looking at the scene before my eyes. I am beyond grateful they can accept Soomi the way she is. Words can't describe how relief and happy I feel this moment.

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