˚* ❀ four

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Woozi's POV

I keep my hand in both my pockets as I eyed Soonyoung's movements before the mirror trying to find the perfect dance movement for his new project.

"So, what's so important that you need my help?"

He looks over me fixing his snapback swiftly before focusing back to his dance.

"I-I have a heart cancer. Stage 4."

I confesses to Soonyoung as he suddenly fell down while doing a dance movement. I jump back a bit in surprise.


"You okay?" I asks him moving closer to him as I crouches down beside him.

He suddenly forgets all his pain and snaps his head to me.

"You what? When? Why do I only know this big thing now? Why only now?"

He bombards me with questions shaking my whole body in process.

"Stop, stop!" I said trying to pry him off me.

He slowly let me go as he eye me.

"I just know it myself too... It was the check up result I got over a week ago. The one you insisted for me to check because I keep having pain in my chest." I said not meeting his eyes.

I can feel the air between us are becoming sadder and silence fills the air as I look over him.

His eyes becomes teary.

"S-stage 4?" His voice turns shaky and his breathe becomes unstable as he tries to suck his tears in.

My heart broke watching my best friend trying his best not to make me feel anything but he can't lie to me.

I nod my head slowly feeling my emotions washes over me slightly.


"So, w-what are you waiting for? We should seek for treatments as soon as possible! Money is not a problem to you! Does your family knows?"

He bombards me with his statements and questions again.

I look over him sharply making him stop his blabbering on the spot.

"I don't want my family know about my disease. You're the only person who knows about my current condition, Soonyoung. And this is why I need your help."

He frowns in confusion before bursting, "What the fuck kind of help you seek from me, Jihoon? I can't help you anything with your disease! We should seek for treatments! Chemotherapies!"

"Yes! I know! But I don't want my family worry about me. Look at you! Even you, completely almost lose your mind when you know about me, what more my family, Soonyoung? I can't stand seeing their devastated faces. I just- c-can't."

I heave a sigh after explaining to him.

He calms down. "What help?"

I look at him before answering. "I will seek for treatments, Soonyoung. I'm a normal human. Of course, I fear death. It's just that how am I suppose to do the chemotherapy if I'm living in the same roof as my family? They can't witness the change I will going through while doing the chemo. They will know it. Plus, I need someone."

"Someone? Explain in details, Lee Jihoon." He demands sitting properly in process.

"I need someone. A female to be exact. I need a girl who can blur my family's eyes off so I can do the treatments in peace. I need a reason for me to get out of the house. I need to find a wife, Soonyoung. Anyone, to be my wife. I will pay for them no matter how much it cost, as long as things will get back to normal after I'm free from this cancer."

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