˚* ❀ three

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Woozi's POV


We all cheers for my Mom for turning 53 this year as she smiles and claps her hands lightly saying, "Thank you, my dearest loves."

"Mom, I got you no presents but I got you a spa voucher! You can do anything you want there and the spa will credit it all on me."

Seokmin, my brother said to my mother as she widened her eyes at his offer.

"Really??? I thought you're stingy? Did you found your wallet in your bag this time??" Mom teases him.

We all laugh at Mom's teasing making Seokmin whines, "Ah, it was only once, that time. Stop it~"

"Yeah, right. You do that to me all the time." I sneers at him while popping a fresh grape in my mouth.

"Ah Hyung~ the royalties you get from your songs literally can feed off 7 generations of our family, don't you know? And even you stop working, your money will never run off." He said in a matter of fact.

"Yeah, his new recent song that he composed for BlackPink even charted everywhere and it's been a month since it was released! What was it call again? Sick sick something like that. Imagine the amount of royalties he got?" Chan said agreeing with Seokmin.

I roll my eyes at his lack of knowledge if my songs title.

"It's Lovesick girls, dumbass." 

"Whatever, teach me your ways, Senpai." Seokmin said as he make an eye contact with me literally making this 🥺 face.

"Shut up and just focus on Dad's company and you, Lee Chan, focus on the new choreography." I said pointing my fork to my youngest brother, Lee Chan.

"Aww, give me time. I just joined this shenanigans thingy. Besides, I do it for fun after some office work with Seokmin Hyung unlike you, Hyung. You hate this office kind of work so you open a damn new company of yourself. Oh, the power you have." He said dreamily trying to mock me.

I flicks a grape towards his way as the grape unknowingly slide straight in mouth that it makes him choke.

We all burst into fit of laughters.

"Okay enough of these jokes, boys. Give our birthday woman some attention please." Dad jokes as Mom nudges his shoulders with hers.

The dinner night goes well in the special booked restaurant for our mother's birthday as we exchanged our presents for her.

It's perfect. We're all so happy tonight. I'm so happy until I realize something.

Will I ever get to feel this happiness again? Will they get devastated knowing I'm going to leave them?

The scene before me watching my family laughing over silly jokes turns into a slowmotion.

'I have to find someone.'

The pounding in my head becoming more worser as I close my eyes leaning towards the
chair I was sitting on.

"Jihoonie, are you okay?"

Mom asks me as I immediately sit down properly.

"Yeah, just not feeling really well. Maybe the amount of meetings I attend today just really gave me a headache." I answers her half truthfully.

"Then take a panadol and sleep early tonight, Jihoon-ah. Don't get sick, you're making me worry." She said patting my thigh softly.

Her words just suddenly make me silent immediately.

Silver Linings || Seventeen Woozi Where stories live. Discover now