˚* ❀ thirteen

762 65 38

Jia's POV

"Jihoon, what for? I don't want to see her."

I knits my eyebrows together with mixed feelings.

'Why would he insisted for us to give our wedding invitation card to Aunt Mina?' I thought.

Lee Jihoon is full of surprised, isn't he? I wonder what exactly does he have in his mind sometimes.

"Well, isn't she your auntie? Don't worry, I just want to introduce myself to her properly... or so you thought." He whispers the last part making me look at him in confusion not hearing what he said.

"You know, I may sound selfish or bad but I really don't want to invite her to our wedding. I'm scared she might cause a ruckus. She's something else, Jihoon." I worriedly said putting my hand on his arm while Jihoon is driving.

Jihoon glances to me before looking back at the road, "Well then, she never sees me. I told you, I am a lot more something else than anyone could think of." He chuckles deeply.

Somehow he scares me out when he laughs like that.

"Geez, you're making me scared, Jihoon. But I really mean it. Can we just not invite her? If you really want to invite her, why don't we just send the card without actually having to send it into her face-"

"We're here."

Jihoon cuts my words off calmly before turning to look over me.

He put both his hands on each side of my face, "You're so naive, Jia. I just want to trigger her a bit. Can't I do that?" He smirks.

That smirk is actually hot-

"What? Trigger for what?" I asks in confusion.

He smiles before getting out of his car and go to my side opening the car door for me.

"Let's go," He said offering his hand for me to take it.

I look at his hand before glancing towards the house before us.

The bungalow house that fills with so much of my family's memories. It looks so different now.

I guess Aunt Mina changes the house color and the front yard. It looks horrible but you know that some expensive shits right there.

I take a deep breathe and take his hand as Jihoon intertwines our hands together tightly.

We walk inside the gate of my old house and stand infront of the main door. Jihoon push the bell beside the door few times.

"Oh, no," Jihoon gasps. "I left the wedding card in the car! Wait here," He said before leaving to run over to his car to get our wedding card that was supposed for Aunt Mina.

Once he leaves, the front door swung open revealing a heavy dress and makeup Aunt Mina.

She looks at me in surprise before scoffing looking at me up and down in disgust.

"Oh, Kang Jia. You huh. The fuck are you doing here? Did you wash your feet, your beggar?! Do you know that you're dirtying my house?!"

She screams in my face making me close my eyes in annoyed.

This is why I don't want to meet this old overdressed woman.

"I'm here to send you an invitation." I said calmly.

She scoffs before coming closer to me and push my forehead with her finger. "What invitation? Your funeral?"

I clicks my tongue in annoyance. 'That's it. I told Jihoon I don't want to be here or else I might kill a soul today.'

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