˚* ❀ twenty three

840 33 16

Jia's POV

It was crazy.

I thought he was kidding when he said he's going to make me register my driving license as soon as possible. And by that, it's the day after he said that.

Yep, you read that right. Right after he discharged from the hospital.

This morning, after I had my morning shower preparing myself to go down to make some breakfast, Jihoon is already infront of my room waiting for me to open the door.

He smiled when I opened the door.

"Oh, you're already showered. That's good. Now, why don't you change into some nice clothes. We have lots of things to do today. We send Soomi to Mom's house. And get breakfast outside and I will help to dress Soomi while you change."

He then just leave me there deadpanned still trying to process what he just said. The door of Soomi's room being opened just signaled me to get ready just like what he said.

And now, here we are.

Waiting for our turn to register my driving license.

I huffs boringly. It's my free time and I am suppose to get some sleep to catch up my sleep. But oh damn, I forgot I already have a husband whom I didn't share a bed with.



"Hm," He looks up from the license's register paper that he is filling in for me and look at me from his right side.

Every single day, I tend to stare at him for a good amount of time to take in his visual in my mind. Ever since, he does his chemotherapy, he comes back looking even more sick.

Pale face, pale lips and he is losing weight slowly. His muscles are slowly gone. But I still love him.

I hope I can just let out what I feel about him to himself but I'm just too chickened out that he might don't have the same feelings as mine.

I lightly huffs when I realized that Jihoon is still waiting for me to say something after I called out his name.

"I thought you were just joking about me getting a driver license? Honestly, I think I did fine without a driving license though." I shrugs my shoulders casually.

He rose an eyebrow. "And? Pay for every taxes and sues you get for not having a driving license?"

I made a pouty face trying to mock him, "You're rich. You can pay it for me?"

He chuckles in amusement. "Aish you, Kang Jia. If it wasn't because we're in public, I would have wrestle you here and.... kiss you." He whispers the last part making me raise my eyebrows to him too.

"Pardon me? And do what?"

"And donate your not so pointy nose to Voldemort." He snickers under his breathe before continuing to fill the form for me.

Funny how he insisted to filled in the form for me. I'm quite surprised that he remembers my id card number.

I look at him amused. "You remember my id card number?"

He looks up to me again and chuckles.

"Lee Jia, incase you've forgotten, ever since we register for our wedding, signing the contracts we have, the form to change Soomi's surname and lots more, requires your id card number. I've written your id card number for so many times that the numbers had stuck in the back of my head permanently." He explains and go through the form that he just finished filled in.

I put my lips in straight line nodding my head slowly when I realized he called me with his surname.

'Lee Jia.... I wish I can carry your last name forever..' I sadly thought and silently just watch every Jihoon's movements.

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