˚* ❀ twelve

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Jia's POV

I bite my lips in hesitate thinking if should I really leave Soomi there?

What if she cry looking for me?

"Jia-yah, no worries, I will call you if Soomi's crying, okay?" Mrs Lee said trying to comfort me to just go with Jihoon.

She glances towards Jihoon who is currently standing beside me carrying Soomi in his hold.

"Jihoon-ah, tell Jia it's alright. Soomi will be alright. I have a lot things to play with her! Right, Soomi? Do you want to play with Grandma?" Mrs Lee beams excitedly.

I just smile when Soomi nods her head excitedly too. Soomi looks at Jihoon.

"Can I play with Grandma, Daddy?"

Jihoon chuckles, "Of course you can, Baby." He pinches Soomi's cheek lightly. "But Daddy and Mommy are going out for a while. Don't be naughty until we come back, alright? Promise me?"

Soomi beams while nodding her head, "Okay Daddy! Promise!"

"Come here, let me kiss and hug you before I go."

I said taking Soomi from Jihoon's hold before I kiss and hug her small frame a little bit longer afraid that I might miss her a lil too much.

She kiss me back as she turn her head a little pursed her lips to Jihoon to give him a kiss too. Jihoon gladly offer her his cheek for Soomi to kiss it.

Mrs Lee just smile in glee looking at our actions.

"Thank you, Mrs Lee. Just call me or Jihoon if Soomi do things that are not appropriate." I thanked Jihoon's mother.

Mrs Lee frowns in displeased. "Mrs Lee? Jia, it's Mom. Mom. Don't call me that or else I won't pick up your call later if you want to call Soomi." She playfully said.

I blushes in crimson red. "A-ah, Mom."

"Let's go."

Jihoon said taking my hand in his, leading the way to his car infront of their mansion.

"Honestly, where are we going? It's Sunday. Sunday means family day. I should've spent the time with Soomi."

I trails off in disappointment as I was really looking forward to spend my Sunday with Soomi alone.

But Jihoon suddenly shows up infront of my apartment saying that we have a lot of things to do.

"Technically, I'm your family too. So, you are spending your time with a family." Jihoon shrugs his shoulder up.

I stay silence knowing I can't win this conversation with Jihoon not wanting to lose at all.

"Jihoon, are we going to a mall?" I asks again breaking the silences after like half an hour in the car.

"Hm dunno." He playfully laughs.

I rolls my eyes playfully hearing his answer.

"Just kidding. I just want to bring you to have some 'Me Time' today. You deserve it." He states.

"Me time?" I rose an eyebrow.

He just smiles in response and turn the car to enter a parking swiftly without having to adjust much.

"We've arrived."

I look out from the window to peak where exactly we are.

'A spa?'

"Jihoon, are you sure we're going here?"

He glances to me slightly before swallowing his medicine. I give him a water bottle for him to drink it after.

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