˚* ❀ six

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Woozi's POV

"Why are you cancelling all three of our appointments, Jihoon?!"

The door of my office was slammed open making me open my eyes from trying to get a nap to ease the headache I'm having.

"P-president Lee, I've tried to stopped her from coming in but she just walked in!" My secretary, Jun said frantically.

I hold a hand up. "It's okay, you may go out, Jun."

Jun nod his head and leave my office leaving Jisoo infront of me crossing her arms over her chest demanding for answers.

"I'm busy and I don't have time for unnecessary dinners."

She flips her hair back and slam my table with her handbag.

"Unnecessary dinners? Unnecessary DINNERS? Jihoon, do you even hear yourself?? This is for us!" She screams.

"There's no 'us' anymore, Jisoo. The moment you decided to cheated on me, there's no 'us' anymore."

I timidly reply her while continue to sign some of the files that needs my approval on my table.

She huffs, "I told you I regret it, okay? I was stupid but I won't do it anymore. I love you, Jihoon! Please trust me!"

"But I don't." I said again ignoring her.

"Jihoon, please. I love you. Don't torture me." She tries to take a hold of my hand as I retreat my hand back looking at her sharp in the eyes.

"Me? Torture you? Who torture who? You love me? If you do, you won't fuck other guys, Kim Jisoo! Do you understand me? You won't fucking fuck other guys!" I exclaim slapping her hands away from touching me.

I am disgusted.

The scene of me finding out her on the hotel's bed with other man few months ago just flashes back in my mind as I huffs in anger.

I just feel betrayed whenever I remember that back. I'm so sure that I don't love her anymore ever since that day.

A sudden pain suddenly occurs my chest as I try to hold the pain in. I hold my chest closing my eyes.

"Jihoon? Jihoon? Are you okay, babe? Jihoo-"

"Don't touch me!"

I spat pushing her away and find my medicine in my drawer before swallowing it with water as I relieve from the pain.

"Jihoon, are you sick?" Jisoo tries to get closer to me again.

"I said! Don't touch me and leave my office now! Or I'll call the guards." I threatened her in a low voice still trying to recover from my chest pain.

"Okay then. But this doesn't mean, I'm giving up, Jihoon."

She left my office as I finally can take a deep breathe trying to ease my pain.

"I'm going to die early if she comes barging in like that again."


Jia's POV

I eat my lunch in peace. Not really lunch, it's just red bean bread and mineral water while reading some of the book in the library I work with.

Being a library keeper isn't that bad actually. At least, while working, I can do some research for assignments purposes at the same time.

The counter's bell rings as I jolt up standing to see incase there's any student that want to borrow books.

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