˚* ❀ nine

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Genuine question!

Is there anyone who is willing to make a book cover for this book? I suck at making book covers hehe

If you're willing to make or just wanted to give it a try, you can dm me the book cover to me via twitter! Or dm me on wattpad if you wish to give me in another platform hehe

Thank you in advance! 🥰

P/s if you're willing so, okay?


Jia's POV

"Wow! Uncle Jihoon, your car can drive itself too???"

Soomi said in amazed as I just smile at her cuteness for literally aw-ed in amazement ever since we rode Jihoon's car.

I can't deny how I am amazed too by this world's technology. Dang, I sounds like a woman for decades ago. Sorry that I don't have much time to appreciate our technology.

"What do I say about calling me Uncle Jihoon, Soomi?" Jihoon pretends to get mad at her.

Soomi widens her eyes and closes her mouth.

"I mean, Daddy!"

Jihoon giggles and pinches her cheek slightly while I glances to him sharply. "Look forward and drive safely."

He chuckles. "Okay, okay," making me shake my head to him.

"Hey, Jia. Do you have a driver license?" He asks out of blue.

"Well, I don't have one but I can sure drive one." I grins sheepishly as he raises an eyebrow hearing my answer.

"Well, I think we have like a lot lot of things to do. But that's okay because I feel like my life finally have some other things to do rather than write songs, meetings and go home." He laughs as I just chuckles.

"Thank you, Jihoon. If it's not because of you, I don't know where else I would stay with Soomi. I want only the best for her.." I said gratefully.

He smiles. "No need to thank me. Of course, I would want only the best for my future wife and daughter."

"About that-"

"We're here at the place you told."

He announces and stops his car as I look around to see if we really arrived at the right cemetery I talked about.

We get down from the car as I lead Soomi's hand in my hold.

"Mommy, are we going to see Appa again?" Soomi asks me as she recognize the place we're at right now.


Jihoon stands beside me holding three bouquet of flowers frowning in confusion when he heard what Soomi said.

"Yes, baby. We're going to see your Appa again. Also with Grandma and Grandpa." I answers her pinching her cheeks not answering Jihoon's question in purpose.

We enters the graveyard and walk until we all stop tto this three familiar thombstones.

"Appa!" Soomi exclaims excitedly and crouches down to one of the thombstones.

Minhyuk Oppa.

I can feel tears already making their way to my cheeks looking at how happy Soomi to even meet her father's thombstone.

It's not like the thombstones are gonna speak to her.

"I come again today with Mommy and Daddy! Daddy is my new Appa! But dun worry, Appa is still my Appa. Daddy said he will take care of me and Mommy! Aren't you happy for us?" She enthusiastically talk.

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