˚* ❀ fourteen

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Jia's POV

I listens to my lecture in peace as I jot down my notes and remembered last night's event.

Jihoon proposed me.

He really spent a lot just for that.

Everyday, he keeps suprising me with the new side of him.

For example, this morning when he literally shade Aunt Mina. I almost lose my breathe!

I thought he can be quite shy and not talkative but he really do enjoy teasing me and very cheeky and playful around me especially Soomi.

Jihoon's Mom... how do I say this? It seems like she wants to meet me every time.

This morning, she suddenly shows up in front of my apartment saying that she wanted to take care of Soomi today while I have my class.

She even claimed to me not to send Soomi to the nursery anymore as she wants to take care of Soomi from now on. She claimed she wanted to took care of her own granddaughter.

What else I should say? Of course I said yes.

At least I don't have to burden Areum and Mingyu anymore to pick Soomi up from the nursery.

She even sent me off to my University today with a driver today. Y'all I feel like I'm living in a whole novel.

I wish I could show it off to Yiseul's face.

Bitchhhh, I'm about to be richer than you. You can swallow all those money down your throat I couldn't care less now that I have someone to depend my life onto.

Don't misunderstand me.

I'm just a human too. Sometimes, I really do want to get on Yiseul's ass so much that she can't do anything about it.

Revenge is sweet but I have better things to focus on.

Jihoon and Soomi.

"And I think that's all for today. On the next class, I'll be giving your individual assignments. This will include your whole grade marks. I will list the company names that is suit with you. I'm expecting you to ace this one. Thank you. Class dismiss."

Sir Lucas said before leaving the hall with his man heels clicking through the halls.

I left the hall walking towards the garden cafe I usually sat to wait for my next class.

Somehow, today a few students has been staring at me too long that I get uncomfortable. I just look away from their stares and walk away.

I subtly touches my hair and look down to my outfits. I think I look normal like the other day.

It's just that I finally not tying my hair into a high ponytail as usual.

'Ugh whatever, I should continue finishing my reports.' I thought ignoring all the stares I got.

Maybe they just realize that I am actually better looking than a stuck up bitch ass jelly Kang Yiseul.

I smiles to myself at my own thoughts. I can be really funny sometimes.

I open my laptop and starts typing after I find a seat on a table that is under a dim tree.

"Jia! Kang Jia!!"

I look up and find Areum is running towards me with her hands holding three of her books while the other hand is trying to hold her skirt not flying up in the air.

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