˚* ❀ two

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Woozi's POV

Had a very bad day on how I just found out about my disease.

"President Lee? Are you okay? Are the results okay?"

I jump out of my thoughts as my breath hitches at the mention of my health results while looking over to my male secretary, Jun.

I nod my head timidly as he continue drives me back to my small company, UniverseFactory. My dream company.

I sips on my Vanilla Ice Latte in calm.

I've been dreaming to open a music company of my own where I recruit the best song writers all over South Korea and of course to gain profit from there.

It's been 4 years since I first open my own company and surprisingly it's going on well despite my shitty direction as the Director of Universe Factory.

As the company grows better and better off in both management and currency, I start to open a new branch for choreographies trainers with my business partner, Kwon Soonyoung as the Director.

It's going on pretty well but things just had to get worse.

My grip on the health report in envelope in my hands tightening.

'I'm so scared... yet I don't have a certain person to talk with about my problem..' I whimpers in my mind.

"President Lee?" My secretary calls me.

I look up to him in the front as he look back to me, "Yeah?"

"We're here."

I nodded my head as I get out the car walking inside the company.

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( A quick sneak peek of his company

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( A quick sneak peek of his company.)

"Good morning, President Lee."

"Good day, President Lee."

"Have a nice day, President Lee."

Few workers greet me as I walk passed the front desk as I nod my head to them smiling back softly. "Yes, good morning too.."

Silver Linings || Seventeen Woozi Where stories live. Discover now