˚* ❀ seventeen !

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Jia's POV

"You don't have to???"

I groans in uncomfortable when Jihoon suddenly appears outside from my class leaning towards a wall while typing on his cellphone.

He chuckles in amusement when he sees my reaction. "What? Is it wrong for me to pick up my wife? Not just anyone, it's my wife. Why are you so red?"

I groans again remembering what Sir Lucas said in my class.

There were only 20 minutes left for my class to end but then I can see a familiar silhouette outside my class from my seat.

I squinted my eyes trying to figure who is that until a classmate of mine said,

"Yah, Jia! Isn't that your husband, Woozi Lee? Wah! He look so cool and handsome!"

My body got shaken by few of my female classmates as they keep on sneaking glance towards Jihoon outside our class.

Jihoon looked up and our eyes instantly met as he grinned and wave his hand.

"God damn it, Jia! How the heck you manage to get married with him?"

"I'll drop out of college and just sit my ass in his home for the rest of my life."

I hold my head remembering those trying shake it off my mind.


I open my eyes and look at Jihoon as he hold my shoulders in concern. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head repeatedly blushing in red.

"N-nothing. I just- uh- hungry?"

He furrows his eyebrows together in displeased. "You haven't eaten your lunch yet? It's 3 in the evening already!" He exclaims.

I huffs. "I don't have much time. I got a discussion earlier.."

'Discussion what? I keep on getting bombarded with questions about you ever since I got married to you last Saturday.' I instantly thought.

He make a face before pinching the tip of my nose quite hard. "I told you not to skip lunch!"

"Ouchh!!" I cover my already red nose before squinting my eyes to him.

He laughs before offering his hand. "Let's go?"

I look around and notice how busy the hallway we stood in but at the same time, the students keeps on sneaking glances towards us smiling, whispering and squealing.

Who would not though to be honest?

I take his hand as he pulls me to walk beside him as we walk together to the parking lot where he park his car.

"You know, you don't really have to do this. I want you to be stress free and just take a rest. Or maybe enjoy your life as much as you want before you go under the treatment."

I said fiddling with my fingers as Jihoon starts his car engine before turning his head towards me.

"This is how I am going to be stress free. By looking out for you."

My heart stops.

"....and Soomi, of course." He coughs a few times probably on purpose after realising what he just said.

I glances to him noticing how his ears are turning red as the time passes. I let out a small smile. 'Cute.'

He drove us to a restaurant nearby wanting to fill our stomachs first.

Silver Linings || Seventeen Woozi Where stories live. Discover now