˚* ❀ twenty two

570 35 21

Jia's POV

"Mommy, are we going to see Daddy today?"

Soomi asks me while I fix her hair that is tie into two slightly long pigtails with colourful hairbands.

"Yep! Aren't you excited?" I chirps in glee while making sure the pigtails I made for her isn't too tight.

"Last night, when we face time with Daddy, I can see these weird wires around his wrist. But Daddy won't tell me what it is. Do you know what it is, Mommy?" Soomi looks up to me in question.

I stops doing whatever I am doing and stares at her.

I bite my lips and look around the small cafe we sat outside trying to take in the morning breeze while waiting for Jihoon.

Jihoon insisted to meet me and Soomi here instead of picking him up from the hospital. He was worried that Soomi might ask too much questions since Soomi is clearly a growing up child that is curious about so many things.

I'm thankful that he thinks like that but at the same time, I want to be there for him when he comes out from the hospital.

"Soomi-ya, today, Daddy said he will take us out for a stroll at the park! Aren't you excited?"

I quickly regain my smile changing the subject and start spraying her hair to make it stay like that throughout the day.

Soomi giggles in excited. "Really, Mommy??! Are we going out to eat ice creams too?"

"Of course we are, little boo." A voice chirps in.

I look up and see Jihoon smiling down over the two of us before crouching down to Soomi's level.

Soomi's face lit up in happiness. "Daddy!" She jump down from her seat to hug Jihoon. "I miss you so much, Daddy! Where were you for the past few days?"

Jihoon's face softens and hugs her small frame immediately. I smiles in touch. He never fail to fluttered my heart.

"I miss you too, Soomi-ya. Did you really missed me? Have you been a good daughter for Mommy? Did you cause any troubles?" He pulls out from the hug and caresses Soomi's face before giving her cheeks small kisses.

Soomi laughs. "Daddy, it tickles! Stop it! Of course, I've been a good daughter. Mommy has taught me well, right Mommy?"

The smile on my face froze for a few seconds before nodding my head.

"Aigoo, of course you are. Soomi is a nice beautiful daughter. That's why me and Daddy loves you very much." I pinches her cheek slightly.

Jihoon stands back up to face me and smiles to me.

"And I miss you too, Jia. Were you doing fine without me?" He asks teasingly.

Me? Doing fine? Without him? Infront of Soomi, of course. But deep in my heart, I am missing him even though it was just three days he was away for his treatment.

I clears my throat after feeling like I was caught off guard but geez never excepts rejection as a failure. Duh.

"Um..m.. I.. I..-"

Jihoon chuckles before pulling me into a bear hug that I swear I feel like he is my home and I am his home. It is that comfortable to be in his arms.

To be in the arms of someone I love.


I bite my lips and hug his slightly muscular frame back as if I'm going to lose him forever.

Jihoon then give me a very long kiss on my forehead.

I don't even know what to feel about that. Isn't this whole thing supposed to be fake? Why is he doing this to me?

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