˚* ❀ twenty four

222 14 10

Jia's POV

I already knew this day is going to be very emotional to me. Obviously a day that made me realize that Soomi is growing up well.

This cutie fluff of ball, being the reason why I've held back everything. The reason why I do these crazy decision to even accept Jihoon's hand in marriage.

Funny how I claimed I do all these things for Soomi, yet I keep on catching feelings with Jihoon too. Kang Jia, you're not right in your head.

I bites my lips trying to suppress my cries in as I watch over Soomi walking into the private kindergarten that Jihoon specially paid for Soomi.

I am forever thankful to Jihoon for wanting the best for Soomi. I am. I really am.

I mean yes, Soomi is 4 this year. It's not really necessary to send her to preschool at that age, but that's the only thing we could do to fill in her time, while me and Jihoon will be busy with his treatments. Jihoon doesn't want Soomi to witness or even be curious of his state. In this kind of age, she is curious about her surrounding.

Soomi would ask every little things to feed her curiosity. Jihoon and I would be more than please to answer all her odd questions.

She's growing up really well hence her curiosity towards everything will make things harder for me and Jihoon to answer her questions.

Jihoon notices how emotional I am and he immediately takes my hand in his hold as we watches Soomi disappear into the building.

"Jihoon, look. Her backpack is too big for her small frame..." I mumbles under my breathe, voice about to crack.

Jihoon chuckles and squeeze my hand. Little did I know, he tries to smile through his tears too.

Funny how we're both too whipped for Soomi.

She is our little ray of sunshine.

Yes, forever ours.

I hope. I really hope.

Kang Jia, you're crazy.

It's true, her backpack is way too big for her small frame. Soomi is a brave girl. I can see how excited Soomi is on her first day, bouncing up and down on her each step with a teacher that is guiding her.

"I can't believe I'm just letting Soomi go in there alone." Jihoon states turning his head to me.

My heart swells again at the thought, I look back at the big building imagining Soomi making friends there and I hope she really do.

No doubt she will be. She's friendly and polite. I know she will gain new kind friends just like her. Because if she's not, I knew Jihoon would make her transfer to a new private school instantly.

"But what if she's scared? Or not ready? I wish they can just let parents to be there at least on their first day. Don't you think?" My heart starts sinking.

Jihoon let go of my hand and hold both of my shoulders, "She will be okay. She's brave and the cutest little bean out there, just like her Mommy."

I nods my head agreeing with what he said. "You're right. She is brave and cutest little bean like me. Wait, what?"


I snaps my head to Jihoon to find him already chuckling. "Me?"

My face grew red and shake my head to him smiling.

"But honestly, I don't know if I have a say in this, but it is feels like the hardest thing to do in my entire life. To watch her walk away like that. Eventhough, we just knew each other for few months, get to know each other, love each other and suddenly we become a family. I can't help but to understand what you feel too," Jihoon admits looking at the building.

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