what's wrong with you? (part 2)

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*the next day*

You and Kaylin are on your way from school and you tell her about last night

Kaylin: then why he is ignoring you?
You: that's I'm trying to find out
Kaylin: let's ask Mark maybe he will know
You: ok...

*at school*

Mark: hey girls
K&you: hey Mark
You: Mark can I ask you sth?
Mark: of course
You: you know why Max ignore me and trying to avoid me?
Mark: no, I thought he liked you
You: what make you to say that?
Mark: he is always stare at you
You: really?
Kaylin: I told you
You: I don't think he likes me Kay
Kaylin: and how do you know that, just talk to him
You: how he is avoiding me
Harvey: who is trying to avoid you girl?
You: oh hey guys
Harvey: hey, but you didn't answer my question
You: emm.... My ex bf
Kaylin: an old friend
*at the same time*
Harvey: your ex bf or an old friend? 😏
You: emm.... My old friend who is my ex bf
Harvey: okay.....
Mark: what is your first class?
Kaylin: maths
Mark: same, what about you guys?
Max&you: science *you look each other*
Mark: ohhh someone has a crush
Max&you: I DON'T LIKE HIM/HER *you look each other again*
Mark: I didn't say a name 😏😂

At the class you couldn't really focus on what your teacher said because you were thinking about Max and as you turn around you saw him staring at you and when he saw you he quickly looked away. As you turn back you caught yourself smiling and you thought 'wait, am I smiling? am I catching feelings for him? Hell no. '

*at lunch*

You asked before Harvey if he know why Max avoiding you (as you understand you tell him the truth) and he say he doesn't know because they didn't really talk yesterday. You didn't really believe him because he is his brother he would told him. Now you are sitting at a table with Kaylin and soon you both saw Mark with twins. They just came and....

Kaylin: I'm going at the bathroom
You: do you want me to came with you?
Kaylin: no
You: emm.... Okay....
That's kinda confused you because she never goes at the bathroom alone(I mean without you)
Mark: emm... Harvey can I talk you for a second?
Harvey: sure *and sit down*
Mark: ehh I mean private
Harvey: oh sorry 😂

So now it's just you and Max just sit there in awkwardness but you decide to break the silence because now it's your chance to talk to him because it will be very rude to ignore you

You: so..... Do you have any other siblings?
Max:*he just nod yes*
You: oh really how many?
Max:*he shows two fingers*
You: ok... Boys or girls?
Max: one boy and one girl
You: the girl is younger?
Max:*he nod yes*
You: for how long you will avoid me I haven't did something bad to you, did I?
Max: I'm not avoiding you
You: then why you don't talk to me i did something wrong?
Max: no
You: then why?
You: why?
Max: ... Because..... Because I don't like you
You: and that's a reason to don't talk to me?
Max: I don't mean like a girl I mean I don't like your personality and in general the way you treat the guys
You: that's all?
Max: yes
You: ugh really?
Kaylin: hey guys I'm back is everything ok?
Max:*stand up and left*
Kaylin: girl what happened?
You: who had this 'perfect' idea?
Kaylin: about what?
You: about living us alone
Kaylin: me
You: why?
Kaylin: because he couldn't avoid you
You: wow you have really good ideas! Congrats Kaylin!
Kaylin: why what happened?
You:*you didn't answer and left*
Mark and Harvey just come
Harvey: what happened? Where are they?
Kaylin: maybe it wasn't very good idea to leave them alone
Mark: why?
Kaylin: idk but I think Max told her why he avoid her and probably she didn't like it
Harvey: she told you what he told her?
Kaylin: no she 'congrats' me and she left

For the rest of the day you didn't talk with the others because of what happened before.

I know it's a bit sort but sorry 😁 next part will be tomorrow because I don't have a lot of time

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