Christmas dance (part 6)

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*after a month*

Everything it's nice Harvey and Kaylin are still together, Mark finally find someone else to have a crush on (but no one said he had get over Kaylin) and Max, after your kiss he change he talk to you more but no one of you two have talk again about the kiss and you both didn't say anything to anyone.

*at the class*

Teacher: as you guys know this is the last week till Christmas holidays and we are about to have a Christmas dance, but it won't be like prom dances, I mean it's not important to have a partner you can just choose someone and dance with them
Everyone: yesssss
Teacher: now back on our lesson
Everyone: ughhh

*at lunch*

Kaylin: omg I can't wait till the Christmas dance!
You: yeah me too!
Harvey: you know with who you are going to dance?
You: no how can I know that from now, I'm not a psychic 😂
Harvey: true but I was asking if someone ask you because you are really beautiful and I'm sure all the boys will fight over you
You: harv I'm not that beautiful I'm just their hoe or at least I was
Harvey: first you are beautiful and second the person who will ask first it will be the lucky one?
You: not exactly I will choose whoever I want. But I still think I won't have a lot guys to ask me
H&k: you already have one
You: who?
Kaylin: *points at Max without make it obvious*
Harvey: bro you didn't say nothing today what's wrong? No! Don't tell me you don't talk to her again?!?!
Harvey: Max
Kaylin: Max
You: MAX
Max: what? You say something to me I didn't hear
Harvey: what did you hear from the conversation?
Max: Em nothing 😂
Harvey: ughhh
Max: what are you talking about guys?
You: about the Christmas dance
Max: oh, I just want to tell sth about it...
Harvey: what's it bro
Max: em....
Kaylin: just say it
Max: eh.... Idk how it's awkward
You: go ahead
Max: y/n do-
Derek: y/n do you want to come to the dance with me?
You:*looks at Max and then at Derek* ehh...
You: *get a message from... Derek?! *
You:*open the message*
"If you don't come at the dance with me Max will get hurt so bad that he will need hospital for a recovery*
You: em.... Yes... 
Derek: nice
Kaylin: why you tell him yes?
You: ehhh.... Max what did you want to say before?
Max: no- nothing it's not important
You: are you sure?
Max: *put a fake smile* yes
You: okay....

*at the Christmas dance*

You where in a beautiful dress and you waiting for Derek to come and pick you up from your house to go to the dance. Kaylin keep texting you because she is already there with Harvey and Max and she said that Max is kinda sad. You still wait because this boy is always late because he wants to make amazing entrance. You also know what Max tried to ask you the other day, it was about the dance but you have to protect him and go with Derek, no ones know how much you wanted to go at this dance with Max but Derek been an asswhole for one more time to get what he wants.

You: you are finally here
Derek: oh sorry I was late a lot?
You: if a half an hour is bit for you then no you didn't 🙄(sarcastic)
Derek: sorry girl
You: just go now

*at the dance*

Kaylin: you are finally here
You: sorry girl
Kaylin: it's okay
Harvey: I'm here too
You: oh sorry harv i didn't see you, hey btw
Harvey: ofc you didn't see me because you are searching for my brother
You: eh....hehe
Harvey: he is at the bar
Kaylin: go and make his day
You: okay guys thanx
Derek: hey girl where do you think are you going? You are mine tonight and now and after at my house 😏
You: ughhh

*after an hour*

He was bored so he left you to go and make out with someone else but you don't give a fuck about him so you take your chance and go to talk to Max

You: hey Maxi
Max: hey y/n
You: you didn't find a girl to dance with?
Max: as you can see no. But anyways aren't you with Derek?
You: yes but he left me to make out with Lilia
Max: and you don't care?
You: seriously I don't give a fuck for him
Max: then why you are with him at the dance?
You: because he threaten me if I didn't say yes he would hurt you
Max: so you did this for me?
You: yes and I know you were about to ask me for the dance, so now I can dance with you until he comes back
Max: so.... *give you his hand* wanna dance?
You: of course

You were dancing for hours and you had really fun. The feeling you felt when he grab your waist and you put your hands around his neck, was amazing. You looked at his eyes for all this time and he too and the only thing you knew was that you don't want to stop looking these perfect eyes. Everything was perfect until he leaned in and you leaned too and you were really close to him so you could feel his breathe but then.... Derek came back

Derek: sorry man but I thought I asked her first to be my partner at this dance
Max: yes but you left her
Derek: yeah but no one told you to take her while I was gone
Max: yeah but she showed bored so I thought I could make her have some fun
Derek: really polite from you but *he punch Max's face*
You: why you hit him?
Derek: I told you if you weren't with me what is about to happen
You: I said yes and I was with you but YOU left me for Lilia
Derek: idc you had to wait for me
You: you were with her for more than 2 hours
Derek: and?
You: omg I hate you so much Derek
Derek: *grap your wirst* I thought you liked to scream my name and call my da-
You:*slap him*
Derek: what you just DID? YOU ARE DEAD BITCH!
Max:*push him to the floor* DON'T TOUCH HER
Derek: oh your Romeo just come to save the situation
They start to fight but you went to stop them
You: GUYS STOP *after a few tries you took Max off Derek*
Derek: or else what? You will gonna hit me? Omg I'm so scared someone help me! Ahahaha
You: come on Max

(I forgot to mention that the whole school saw that fight)

He walk you home and you stayed at your door step and talking while looking the stars

You: thanx again
Max: no I had to do it he clearly use you
You: I know he always did
Max: but you didn't need to go with him to protect me I could get over it by myself
You: yeah but he said he would hurt you really bad
Max: idc about me I want YOU to be okay but thanks for protecting me
You: it was the only thing I could do to save you from that because if you had something really bad I would feel awful because it would be by my mistake, but again you are blooding are you sure you are okay?
Max: yes I'm fine
You: no come inside to clean it
Max: fine🙄

You bring a towel to take the blood. While you was cleaning him from the blood you were in silence but this time it wasn't awkward it was something like you both daydreaming

You:*look at him and he was looking at you and smiles* what? *you smile too*
Max: nothing *still smile*
You: then why you are smiling?
Max: because I really like it when you take care of me
You: *smiles harder*
You: I'm finished
Max:*grab your hand and pull you closer*
You were really close each other but you both still smiling and finally you feel his lips on yours. He put his hand on your waist and you put your right hand on his check and the other on his shoulder. You were kissing like that till he started to kiss you with more passion and he told you to jump and he goes to your bedroom and he sits you down without break the kiss and then you start to make out. You continue like that for a while till you start to unbottom his suit and you take it off then he start to unzip your dress till he takes it off. I think everyone knows what happened next, I don't wanna be in details. After some hours you finished and you just looked each other eyes and then you cuddle and fall asleep in his arms.

What do you think about this part? Will they tell them this time? I'll post tomorrow the next part, but tell me what do you think is going to happen

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now