Christmas Day and surprise party (part 12)

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*at Christmas Day*

So today you decide to tell them all to come to your house for the Christmas Day and give them their gifts. Hopefully Mina goes at her grandma today for the whole day so you don't have to invite her. Also you already sent the present to Mark and he sent you too. He sent you a hoodie with the logo of the four houses of Hogwarts and a skarf with the colors of Slytherin. He also told you that he found a gf and you were really happy for him, you wish he could be there but he couldn't

*the door bell rang*

You: *open the door* hey guysss Merry Christmas
Kaylin: hey girllll Merry Christmas!*and huged*
Harvey: Merry Christmas!*he huged you too*
Max: Merry Christmas! *he huged you thighter and longer than the others*

You went inside and you sat at the living room next to the fireplace at the floor and your mom brought hot chocolate and cookies and you give them your gifts and them yours.
After some hours of talking and make jokes you decide to take blankets and sit at the couches to watch a movie. As always Harvey and Kaylin sat together and cuddling so you sat with Max, but this time you both didn't care and didn't gave attention at them so you both decide if you are fell asleep together while cuddling you won't give a fuck at what they will say. But before you fall asleep you have to pick a movie.

Harvey: so what do you want to see guys?
You: home alone
Kaylin: not again every Christmas we watch this movie
You: it's a tradition to me (it's really is if I don't watch this movie I don't feel it's Christmas lol 😂)
Kaylin: it's boring
Max: no it's not I love this movie and we still laugh every time we watch it
Harvey: yes, so what about to see the first two movies and after something else?
Kaylin: fineeee, but you have to know I did only for you
Harvey: thanks bby
You: yes thanks Harv for make her change her mind 😂
Harvey: nothing it's easy to me 😂

*after the movies*

Without realizing it you and Max were cuddling the whole time but you didn't care so now you trying to find your 3rd movie because Harvey promised it to Kaylin. You decide to see "The Christmas Prince" But the boys didn't really want it.

Max: oh come on what is this?
Kaylin: it's a romantic Christmas movie
Harvey: why romantic I prefer the "elf"
Kaylin: I choose now because before we watch what you all wanted
Harvey: okay fine

You and Max were cuddling again and you fell asleep at his arms. After some hours the movie end and it was kinda late so Max take you with brigade style and take you to your bed but anyways you were going to sleep together because Harvey and Kaylin wanted to be alone. So he put you in the bed and he just stared at you and stroked your head till you woke up and smiles at him

Max: sorry I woke you up I didn't want to
You: no it's fine anyways I wanted to wake up
Max: why?
You: because we are alone😏
Max: mmmh what did you think?
You: why not to have some fun since they would not hear us because they have their own business?!? 😏😌
Max: like?
You: don't play it dumb baby you know exactly what I want
Max: okay then

He kissed you and you start to make out. You take off his hoodie and you stroked his body while you were kissing. After a while he took of your hoodie and slide his hands from your back down to your ass and squeezed it. But then you break the make out session because you remembered that you didn't lock the door so you went to lock it and you went back to continue what you left.

*at the morning*

*Max's pov*

I woke up earlier than her but I didn't wake her up because I wanted to make her a surprise. I stand up from the bed I wear my pants and I checked if Harvey or Kaylin was awake. Hopefully both of them was sleeping. So I went at the kitchen and made breakfast for

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