movie night (part 8)

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*when the twins came*
*they ring the bell*

You: *open the door* hey guys
Harvey: hey
Max: hi
You: come in
Kaylin: hey baby!
Harvey: hey babygirl *they hug*
Kaylin: hey Max
Max: hi
You: em wanna see a movie?
Everyone: yesss
You: okay which one?
Max: Idk whatever you want guys
Harvey: yeah
You looked at Kaylin and she looks back at u
Max: we like harry Potter but no, not today
You: wait you like HP?
Max: yes I'm in Griffindor and Harvey in Slytherin
You: really I'm Slytherin too
Kaylin: I'm Huffilpuf because of Cedric ahhh he is amazing
(I have to mention it because I feel bad, I'm not a fake potterhead or something but I said it because I was obsessed with Draco, I'm Gryffindor actually)
You: I think Draco is better
Kaylin: no he is an evil, mean ugly boy who cares only for him and he has his daddy money
You: no he is not ugly he is PERFECT
Harvey: oh no they are about to fight for them
Kaylin: Cedric is better
You: Draco play in the whole movies but Cedric only at the goblet of fire and also he dies but Draco no
Kaylin: yeah but that's doesn't mean anything
Max: okay girls let's decide what movie we are going to see and let this talk for later
You: fine
Kaylin: whatever
Harvey: nice what about a thriller?
You&K: noooo
Harvey: don't be scared baby if you are scare you can hug me
Kaylin: awww thanks baby
You: well..that was the point?
Harvey: well...
You: and me what about me?
Kaylin: you have Max😏
You: *look at Max and he looks back*
You&Max: NO *you looked each other again*
Harvey: why?
Kaylin: yeah, why? You told that like you both hide something...
You: like what ?
Kaylin: idk you hide it
Max: I personally don't hide anything anyways I'm avoiding her
Harvey: yes but you slept with her last night
Kaylin: true
You&Max: for 100th time WE DIDN'T SLEPT TOGETHER
Harvey: okay okay you didn't, I will put the movie
You: ughhh fine
Kaylin: if that's your problem take a pillow
You: I don't think the pillow can hug me
Kaylin: yeah but you can hug it
You: I don't think it needs my hug because I don't think it will be scare
Kaylin: okay okay I was trying to find something to keep you 'safe'
You: anyways just put the movie

You sit in one couch with Max and the other one Kaylin and Harvey cuddling. You wish you could cuddle with Max but you say to don't tell them yet. Now everytime it was a scary scene you closed your eyes with a pillow and one time you scared a bit more than the other times so you hug Max without realize it and he hug you back and you stayed like that for a while since they saw you and they start look at you and Max like this 😏 but you just let go each other and you didn't say anything to them and continue the movie.

*the movie ends*

Harvey: why you say that it was really good, right Max? Especially at the part that y/n hug you 😏
Max: ugh just shut up she just scared
Harvey: yeah but she stay longer
You: ugh omg I just didn't realize it
Harvey: okay okay I believe you
You: anyways I'm going to the kitchen to bring something to drink or eat
Harvey: okay
Kaylin: ok


Tell them you are going at the bathroom and go at my room I will be there


*after some minutes*

Max: I'm going to the bathroom
Harvey: at the bathroom?!? 😏
Max: yes at the bathroom
Harvey: yeah sure
Max: ugh *and went at 'the bathroom'*

Harvey: I'm sure he is not going to the bathroom
Kaylin: yeah but if they are together why they don't tell us
Harvey: idk
Kaylin: anyways let's have some time alone since they are both gone
Harvey: mmm yesss

Max go at your bedroom but you wasn't there so he wait and he sits at the bed

You: oh sorry how long you were waiting?
Max: not much I just came here too
You: oh okay *you go at the bed and you sit next to him and hold his hand*
You: I miss you already
Max: me too
*you look each other and then you kiss*
Max: ugh I have to go downstairs because they will understand us
You: ugh why from now?
Max: sorry baby
*he kiss you for one last time and he left*
You just sitting there and think about your life since your phone rang it was your mom

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now