prom dance (part 22)

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*next day at school*

You just arrived at school and you saw Max but "wait he is with... Jackson?! Oh no he will turn into a f boy, and all it was my fault. I fucked up. At the end of this week it's the prom dance but I'm a hoe and I have no one to go with. Probably Max will take an other girl for the dance. I hope it won't be a hoe like me and he could make his life and be happy. I'll be happy if he is too."

The day end but still no one asked you to go with him. You're looking at your belly at the mirror and it's been a little fat. But then you heard the door.

You: fuck, my mom, I have to tell her

You went down and you saw your mom.

You: hey mom
Mom: hey girl
You: mom I need to tell you something
Mom: what is it sweetheart
You: ehh... So when Max came here before he left to spend our day together we did sth
Mom: like?
You: we did it
Mom: I thought you told me you just made out and also I thought I told you don't do this things yet
You: it's too late
Mom: wdym?
You: I'm pregnant
Mom: WHAT?
You: yeah...
Mom: anyways at least you have someone who loves you by your side
You: yeah.. About this... We broke up
Mom: why he left you because you are pregnant?
You: no, he doesn't know
Mom: then?
You: I accidentally cheat on him and he broke up with me before I learn I'm preg
Mom: and now? The kid will grow up without a father
You: no I'll tell him one day
Mom: when?
You: idk when but not yet
Mom: omg I can't believe my daughter is pregnant and I'm going to be grandma. I told you not to do this things but I'm so happy for you
You: thanks mom.

*at prom dance*

You got ready and went at the dance alone because no one ask you. Ofc you were sure Max wouldn't but you were surprised of not been asked from Carson, I mean he liked you last week, what now? Maybe the boys told him you was a hoe but you told him too. You went there and you tried to find Kaylin, and you find her with Harvey.

You: hey guys
Kaylin: hey girl, wait you are alone?
You: yeah
Kaylin: what about Carson?
You: idk
Harvey: em y/n I don't want you to misunderstand it but to be honest I think you get a bit fat
Kaylin: she is not fat idiot
You: don't call him idiot because he doesn't know
Kaylin: true sorry
Harvey: then?
You: you gonna be uncle
Harvey: wdym?
You: *hold your belly*
Harvey: wait you mean....
You: yeah
Harvey: it's Max's?
You: yes
Harvey: have you told him?
You: no
Harvey: why you have to, this going to bring you back together
You: I'm not ready and as I can see he is happy
Harvey: he is not he just trying to be a f boy because he is hurt
You: like I became a hoe because my dad...
Harvey: ik it's bad to tell you especially at the situation you are right now, but he is planning to fuck her after the dance
You: what... I.. Mean he can do whatever he wants anyways he is single
Harvey: he going to be a father
You: it's okay Harv *and you left*
Harvey: we need to stop him
Kaylin: how?
Harvey: idk but we have to not let him do what he wants
Kaylin: okay

You were sitting there and waiting for someone to come and ask you for a dance but nothing. But then...

??? : wanna dance?
You: I'm not in mood *you were looking at the floor*
??? : I'm going to ask you one more time. Wanna dance?
You: I said-*and look at him* Carson?
Carson: you didn't answer
You: em ok then
Carson: nice
You: you don't have a partner?
Carson: nope
You: I thought you are that one guy who takes all the girls
Carson: maybe they like me but I don't. I like girls really rarely.
You: oh
Carson: I thought you had a partner because you are really beautiful that's why I didn't ask you
You: yeah but I didn't ask
Carson: yeah but you thought it
You: haha yes, but how do you know it ?
Carson: I just did
You: anyways...
Carson: I'm sorry
You: for what?
Carson: for making you break up with your boyfriend
You: it's not your fault
Carson: I kissed you
You: but how do you know it?
Carson: you know Max is with Jackson now and Jackson is my cousin so...
You: oh
Carson: sorry I didn't want to break your relationship
You: anyways... Let's talk about something else
Carson: okay

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now