Dating? (part 4)

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*back to your pov*

'I turned around and I saw Max. I can say he was really mad and upset maybe he saw us last night. Fuck'

You: hey Max
Max:*roll his eyes*
Harvey: don't be rude bro
Max: igtg
Harvey: just say hi it's not that hard
You: just let him Harv if he want he will say it's not important
Harvey: yeah but this rude
Max: omg sometimes you are SO annoying, okay then, hey girls. Can I live now?
Harvey: no before you tell me what's wrong with you and y/n!
Max: omg I hate you so much
Harvey: what's your problem bro what have she done to you?
Harvey: exactly, but I don't understand why  you don't talk to her, at the party you were all the time with her
You: until I got drunk.... 
Harvey: wdym?
You: I got really drunk and I didn't know what I was doing so.... maybe he saw... You did?
You: sorry 😔 but I have change
Max: and what was that?
You: I was drunk
Max: that's not an excuse, you could not drank that much
You: I know but... I have change
Max: no you not
You: okay then I can change now
Max: it's too late
You: wait I can
Max: sorry but biches never change
You: ....
Max:*left from Sturbaks*
Harvey: I'm so sorry for him but I believe you can change and you have change and that was a mistake
You:*you have tears and you try to hold it* Thanks Harv
Harvey: of course, do you want me to talk to him?
You: no I'm fine
Harvey: honestly I think he likes you and that's why he is so upset, because if he didn't care he wouldn't talked you like that
You: you think?
Harvey: yes it's obvious
Harvey: do you like him?
You: maybe idk I'm confused
Kaylin: no you're not you don't like him you love him
You: it's not like that Kaylin
Kaylin: yes it is
Harvey: em I can say she is right for someone who talk you like that but you still trying to impress him. If you don't love him then what's it?
Kaylin: yeah he is right, you never acted like that for someone else before
You: maybe you are right guys but still idk
Harvey: I'm sure he likes you but he don't want to get hurt
You: talk to him if you can
Harvey: I will try
You: thanks
Harvey: everytime, anyways I have to go to find him cause he didn't told me were he is going
You: okay bye
Kaylin: bye
Harvey: bye *begin to leave*
Harvey: oh and whenever you want help I will be here
You: thank you
Harvey: nothing bye
You: bye
Kaylin: why you like Max and not him he is wayyy cooler than Max
You: girl I don't like him like that
Kaylin: yeah but he talk so good to you and he want to help you and make you feel happy
You: then why YOU don't date him he is single too
Kaylin: you know my type
You: it's okay to like something else from f boys
Kaylin: like you?
You: yeah.... 😔
Kaylin: hey girl it's fine
You: I'm going to the bathroom
Kaylin: okay

*harv's pov*

I finally find Max but he didn't want to talk so we just sitting at the bench at the park in a really awkward silence that we never been before. After some minutes I got a massage from Kaylin.


Sorry bro friend zoned

I knew it anyways it's obvious

I know

What you told her?

That you are really cool guy and you want her to be happy, in general that you're better than Max

And what she told you?

She has stuck with him and she says she see you only as friend nothing more

Okay thanks


Can I ask you sth?


Are you single? 😅

Yes, why?

Oh nothing I'm just asking

Do you wanna hang out alone one day?

Yeah if you want



Anyways she is coming I'll text you later

Okay bye


Harvey: wanna go home?
Max: yes
Harvey: ok

*back to your pov*

You come back and you saw Kaylin texting someone

You: who do you texting?
Kaylin: oh eh no one
You: I saw you
Kaylin: I was texting my dad because he is out you know and I miss him
You: okay...

You didn't believe her because you are friends from the day you have born and you know when she is lying to you

*at night*

You are really curious why is Kaylin not texting you because every night you are in your house or you are ft but now she didn't call you or text you and you kinda worry if she is okay

*next day at school*

You woke up you did your morning routine and you now you are waiting for Kaylin. You didn't say anything at your way to school but she looked really happy. You arrive at school and still nothing.

Mark: hey girls
You: hey Mark
Kaylin: * just continue smiling*
Mark: did I did something wrong?
You: idk she didn't talk to me either
Mark: what happened?
Max&Harvey:*just come at school*
Harvey: good morning
You: good morning
Mark: morning
Kaylin: heyyy
You&Mark: WHAT?
Harvey: what happened? *he looks at Kaylin and whisper* you didn't tell them?
Kaylin:*whisper back* no I want to tell them with you, I didn't even talk to them all day
Harvey:*still whispering* why they will understand it
Kaylin: no they think I'm mad at them
Harvey: anyways, you gonna tell them or me?
You: tell us what?
Kaylin: do you wanna know why I didn't text you last night?
You: ofc I want
Kaylin: so I.....
Max: you were with Harvey last night
You&Mark: WHAT?
H&K: How do you know that?
Max: the next time you want to talk with a girl talk at your private account on Instagram and  not in this we are together 😌
Harvey: oops😅
Kaylin: omg 😪
You: wait is it true?
Kaylin: yes👉🏼👈🏼
You: omg and why you didn't tell me??
Kaylin: because....
You: wait you just hang out?
Max: no they are dating
Kaylin: omg why we send so much texts?
Harvey: idk 😂
You: and when you was going to tell us?
Kaylin: today
You: oh ok
Kaylin: that's all you have to say?
You: em yeah I think
Kaylin: oh
You: I'm so happy for you guys!!
Mark: after the walk you go home?
Max: no, they were at harv's room
Max: no bro I just hear you
You: wait guys you did...
Kaylin: no just made out
You: oh
Kaylin: oh and Harvey the next time at MY place and at your private account
Harvey: ok😂
Everyone: 😂😂😂

I know a little bit sort but I promise the next one will be bigger 😌 but what do you think will happen next?

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now