explanation (part 15)

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You went to your house crying the whole way and you went to your bed and crying even more and then Kaylin send you a message she is on her way to your house, maybe she didn't know yet about that or she is coming to beat your ass.

Kaylin: hey girlll- wait are you crying, if he did something to you I'm gonna kill him*and run to hug you*
You: I'm sorry 😭😭
Kaylin: sorry for what?
You: it's was my fault 😭😭
Kaylin: he broke up with you?
You: yesss 😭😭😭 I didn't want to do it
Kaylin: you cheat on him?
You: I'm sorryyyy 😭😭😭
Kaylin: why you telling me sorry you didn't do nothing to me
You: *you look at her like 🥺 but still crying*
Kaylin: wait you did?
You: *shyly nod yes and crying even more*
Kaylin: *she stop hugging you and quickly stand up* WAIT SO YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU AND HARVEY...
You: I'm sorry I was drunk and I make him drunk too
You: I told you I'm sorry I didn't want to do that
You: I'm sor-
You: no Kaylin i didn't want to do it 😭
Kaylin: but you did
You: I'm sorry 😭
Kaylin: sorry girl but it's over
You: for ever?
Kaylin: Idk if I'm really mad yes but for now I don't want you to talk to me especially to my bf. If I understand something you are DEAD
You: okay I'm sorry I just want to let you know that I'll never forget you and all the moments we had together and you was, you are and you will be my only best friend.
Kaylin: *star to left and then look at the ground and turn and look at you*
You: I love you girl you was the only one real friend I ever had I hope that's been for good. Bye girl
Kaylin: ..... Oh come on girl you know I can't live without you a second
You: you do?
Kaylin: you have second guess?
You: idk
Kaylin: come here girl *and she hug you*
You: I'm sorry
Kaylin: I know you didn't did it on purpose I know it wasn't your self
You: thanks for understanding girl
Kaylin: ofc
You: you are gonna broke up with Harv?
Kaylin: not exactly I'll keep my distance for now and I'll see

*first day back to school*

You were sitting at your table at lunch time with Kaylin and Mark and the only thing you think and see is Max. You can't get him out of your head. You stare at him none stop and everytime he looks at you he look away disappointed. Also Harvey is trying to talk to Kaylin but she trying to stay away even if she want to go back at him.

Mark: is gonna be okay he will get over it and you will be back together
You: no he won't Mark and even if he will get over it he will never want to be with me again he said bitches never change
Mark: yeah but you changed
You: I did it with his brother
Mark: and that doesn't mean you didn't changed
You: yeah but he doesn't trust me anymore he doesn't want to be with me
Mark: yeah but he still loves you
You: how do you know, did you ask him? No you didn't and if you ask him he will never admit it
Kaylin: okay Mark stop it now you make the situation even worse
Mark: sorry
You: it's okay I have to go

*Harv's pov*

This days Max is really upset but I can say he's more sad. Ik it was bad for me to do that because I told him I'll protect her and instead I did it with her. He is not over it yet, ofc he isn't, how to get over so easy the fact that you brother fucked with your gf it's terrible ik. He said he forgot me but still he is cold with me and he never been like that before.

*Max's pov*

The school just end and me and Harvey are going at the studio for some songs because in two months we have tour. But I'm not focus the only thing I think about its y/n and this night. How? Why? I trust her. I loved her. I give her my everything and she give me a broken heart. But the most terrible thing is that, I heard them, I heard them doing it and I thought he told Kaylin to come over. And at the morning I saw y/n next to him both completely naked. I knew it, I knew it from the start from the first day I met her I knew I would fall for her and she would play with me and hurt me like she did.

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