(part 16)

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*next day at school*

You were at the hallway at your locker to take your books and then someone came and stand next to your locker

Derek: hey beautiful
You: what do you want?
Derek: why you are talking me like that?
You: how?
Derek: you are to cold with me
You: and?
Derek: you never was like that before
You: okay..
Derek: stop being snob
You: and why not?
Derek: because only l can make you scream and feel the real pleasure the whole night 😏
You: eh...no
Derek: oh ik you know it girl, don't be shy to admit it
You: I'm not shy
Derek: then why you lie
You: I don't lie I'm just telling the truth, I have been with wayyy better boys than you
Derek: like who?
You: you don't have to know
Derek: is that nerdy boy who "fight" me at the Christmas dance?
You: he is not nerd
Derek: yeah but is him
You: maybe
Derek: how it can be him he was virgin he had no idea how to do it 
You: now he has *and you going to leave*
Derek: *he grab your wrist and pull you close to him* wait you did it more than once? 
You: none of your business 
Derek: so you did and with me only when you were bored? 
You: I'll do whatever I want with whoever I want
Derek: so you did.
Max: yes dude we did it's something wrong with that?
Derek: oh yeah the prince of your fairytale just come to save you from the "bad guy"
You: ugh just shut up
Derek: don't tell me to shut up or else...
Max: or else what? You gonna hit her? I thought you don't hit girls
Derek: *just roll his eyes and left*
You: thanks baby
Max: anytime baby
You:*hug him and he hug you back*

*after school*

You were outside of the school with Kaylin, Mark and twins and talking before you go.

Mark: anyways igtg
You: okay bye
Twins: bye
Kaylin: bye
You: hey Maxi do you want to come over my mom is gone for the day 😏😉
Max: em let me think for a second
You: 🥺
Max: I will
Harvey: so if he go at her house I will be alone 😔
Kaylin: okay I get the point
Harvey: congrats baby you are really smart 😂
Kaylin: ik 😊
Everyone: 😂😂

*at your house*

You: do you wanna go at my room?
Max: and do what?
You: I thought about Netflix and chill but if you have in your mind something else... 😏
Max: not exactly I just thought YOU have it on your mind
You: basically that's what I thought but I said first watch something and after you get horny I could do my things 😉
Max: as I can see you have plan the whole night
You: maybe 😏
Max: okay then let's go to see something
You: okay...

And you went to your room and you choose the movie (Friends with benefits) and you both sit on your bed. When the movie was at the middle Max started to feel a bit worry and uncomfortable and he seem to looking for something. Then he took a pillow and put it at his "area" Then you realize what's going on.

You: hey baby it's okay don't be shy I'm your girlfriend anyways 😏
Max: I don't know what are you talking about
You: you don't have to hide it
Max: I don't hide anything
You: then why you take the pillow?
Max: eh.. I just... Take it
You: oh yeah okay...
Max: no for real
You: sure
Max: you don't believe me?
You: yes I do
Max: you don't seem to
You: I thought we deal something else before
Max: like?
You: you know we was going to watch the movie and after... Anyways forget it you don't seem to want... 
Max: no I want 
You: no it's fine we can just watch the movie
Max: no wait we can
You: it's not important if you don't want to
Max: I want
You: I told you it's fine
Max: *he takes away the pillow and he went on top of you and start kissing you*
You: *you pull back* ik you want bby I'm just playing 😉 *and continue kiss him*

You were kissing for a while and then you turn it into a hot make out session. After a while you slide your hands under his hoodie and take it off and he take yours then you went on top of him and you start kissing his jawline and then his neck and you went down to his bearchest and went all the way down and you heard him moaning and then you look at him and smile and unzip his jeans and take it of. Then you went back up and kiss him with a lot of passion. Then he take you and lay you on your back and start kissing your neck and went down to your bearchest and stayed for a while. But then you hear your mom coming.

You: fuck my mom is here
Max: you said she would gone for the rest of the day.
You: I know, idk why she come earlier
Max: and what now? 
You: you need to hide
Max: why?she knows we are dating. Does she?
You: yes but she doesn't let me bring boys when she is gone even if it's my boyfriend
Max: why?
You: isn't it obvious?
Max: yes it is but I mean she doesn't trust you?
You: after she caught me with a boy I was ready to fuck with, no she doesn't.
Max: oh
You: yeah so go at my wardrobe now and silence
Max: okay *he quickly wear his pants and went in*
You: *quickly put some more comfortable clothes*
Mom: *comes to your room * hey girl
You: hey mom, why came back so early?
Mom: why you asking you wanted to be alone?
You: no I'm just asking because lately you are coming home earlier then you said. It's everything okay there?
Mom: yeah everything it's fine
You: you sure?
Mom: yes
You: okay...
Mom: girl what is this?
You: what?
Mom: *she takes something from behind you* this
You: *your eyes went wide, it was Max's hoodie* em it's mine
Mom: it seems more for boys
You: yes I know it's Max's he give it to me some days before
Mom: I thought you broke up
You: we didn't
Mom: then why you were crying for a week?
You: I.. I. Didn't
Mom: are you sure?
You: yes
Mom: anyways I'm going at Lauren's do you wanna come? Maybe it will be and Alex there
You: now it's why I don't want to come
Mom: why I thought you like him
You: I don't
Mom: since when? Because the last time yo-
You: big story mom I'm bored to tell you know anyways I want to take a shower
Mom: okay bye then
You: bye
You: okay come out she is gone
Max: you sure?
You: wait I'm going to check*you went at your window and you saw her leaving* yes she left
Max: can I ask you sth?
You: sure
Max: what does she meant with, "because the last time you.... "
You: eh nothing we just watch a movie together that's all
Max: that's all?
You: yeah...
Max: are you sure?
You: okay maybe we slept together
Max: WHAT?
You: I told you
Max: when?
You: I don't remember when but I did
Max: anyways, before you said you want to take a shower. You still want? 😏
You: ouuu someone has plans for tonight 😏
Max: you want or no?
You: what do you think?
Max: I think, yes *and he kissed you and you jump on him and you put your legs around his waist and your hands around his neck and he put his hands under your thighs*

He went you like that at your bathroom and he sits you at the bar next to sink and you made out there and took your clothes off and you his and then you went to the bath and continue kissing under the water. After some hours you had finished with the shower and you made out on your bed but soon you stopped because he had to leave first because your mom would come back soon and second his parents will worry for him.

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now