'i feel sick' (part 18)

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*at the morning*

You woke up but no one was next to you, maybe he had to left early, but then you saw a piece of paper at your bedside table. It was from Max and it says:

"Good morning my princess I wish I could wake you up but I had to go early and I didn't want to wake you up so early. Really I didn't want to disappear like that but you know I'll be back in a month. I love you and be careful.

From your Maxi

P.S. I have breakfast in the kitchen! "

'Aww he is so cute I have to text him'

Maxi ❤

You didn't have to make me breakfast

Ofc I had to girl, I wasn't next to you when you woke up so for good morning I made you breakfast

Aww you are so cute thanks

Everything for my princess

You are the best bf I love youuuu

I love you more girlll

Anyways I have to be ready for school

Okay then I'll let you get ready

You are so lucky you won't go to school for a month

Don't worry bby only few months till the school is over

Hopefully it's our last year


Anyways igtg bye


You put your clothes you make your make up an you went down stairs at the kitchen to eat  your breakfast and when you finished you wait for Kaylin.    

*at school*

You went to school but you didn't felt really well and you didn't know why. You and Kaylin are at your second period at chemistry class and you wanted to go to the bathroom because you wanted to throw up.

You: Mr can I go to the bathroom?
Teacher: is it important?
You: yeah very important
Teacher: okay then go
Kaylin: are you okay?
You: yeah
Kaylin: do you want me to come with you?
You: no I'm fine *you stand up and left the class*
Kaylin: *stand up too and go to follow you*
Teacher: where to you think you are going Ms Slevin?
Kaylin: em with y/n at the bathroom
Teacher: she can go on her own just sit down now
Kaylin: *roll her eyes* fine *and sits down*

It's lunch time now and you and Kaylin are at the bathroom for 5th time and she started to worry if you are okay

Kaylin: girl are you sure you are okay?
You: idk
Kaylin: you throw up for 5th time today
You: yes I know
Kaylin: how are you feeling?
You: sick
Kaylin: you had to stay home
You: yeah but it was something I ate or drank
Kaylin: what did you eat for breakfast?
You: Max's made me breakfast
Kaylin: oh
You: I don't think he put sth basically I'm sure he didn't
Kaylin: maybe you drink something
You: idk
Kaylin: maybe you have to skip the school for today
You: no I'm fine I can do it
Kaylin: are you sure?
You: definitely
Kaylin: okay then

*back to your home after school*

You went home and you run to the bathroom. Then you hear someone to get into your house and went to check.

You: mom?
Mom: hey girl
You: hey
Mom: I thought you would go at Kaylin's house for today
You: yeah I would but I don't feel really well today
Mom: oh really, what do you have?
You: I'm dizzying and I throw up all the time
Mom: oh my god are you better now?
You: a bit
Mom: what did you do?
You: maybe I ate something or drank
Mom: oh okay better go to get some sleep you will feel better
You: okay
Mom: oh and what did you did yesterday with Max?
You: wdym?
Mom: how you spend your day..
You: oh, he come here we watch some movies and then we went at KFC and we came back and we watch some more movies and we slept
Mom: only slept?
You: yes mom
Mom: okay okay

You went to your room and you fell asleep really quickly. After some hours you hear your phone ring and you wake up and you saw it was Max and he wanted to do ft with you.

You: *sleep voice and face* heyyy
Max: omg I wake you up sorryy
You: no it's fine I had to wake up anyways
Max: why you where sleeping?
You: I just didn't felt really well today so I slept for a bit
Max: omg how do you feel now?
You: I'm better but I throw up the whole day
Max: I wish I was there to take care of you like you do when I fight with Derek.
You: haha it's fine I have my mom
Max: oh hopefully she is there I thought you were alone
You: no she is here
Max: nice
You: anyways how you been doing there ?
Max: oh it's really nice tomorrow we have our first performance.
You: nice I wish I could be there
Max: yeah me too
You: you know what I just realized?
Max: what?
You: you have never sang me a song 🥺
Max: you never asked for that
You: ik but you never do it on your own
Max: yeah I know but I thought you didn't like my voice and singing skills
You: what? Are you kidding me, your voice is amazing the most angelic voice I've ever hear
Max: really you like it?
You: yes
Max: oh
You: you will sing me a song when you will come back?
Max: ofc, no need to ask
Max: haha
You: ughhhh I love your laugh
Max: yours is better
You: no yours is amazingg

You were talking for hours till you finished with the ft because it was night and tomorrow you had school.

*next day at school*

Kaylin: hey girl how you feeling today?
You: I'm perfect
Kaylin: I'm glad I hear that
You: yeah I'm happy too because I don't have to throw up all day 😂
Kaylin: yeah 😂

You were at class specially in maths class this class you are with Max but he is not here. You really miss him and want to run to his arms and stay there forever. But it's okay it's only a month. Hopefully the prom dance is the next month he will be here so you can go with him.

I know it's too short but sorryy I have no time. Anyways new characters in the next part, be tuned! ❤

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now