who is Mina? (part 9)

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*at the morning*

You woke up and you were still hugging but those hands wasn't Kaylin and this watch wait she don't wear watches anyways. You turn around and you saw Max who is still sleeping. You thought 'he is so cute but I have to wake him up, but no he is like an angel while he is sleeping but I have to wake him up my mom will understand it. Ugh I will wake him' so you kiss him and he smiles and hug you tighter

You: *while laughing* Max I can't breathe 😂
Max: *with sleepy voice* sorry baby
You: you just called me baby?
Max: yes
You: *smiles really hard* I love you
Max: I love you more
You: before some months I couldn't imagine me and you like this
Max: yeah me too
You: *kiss his nose soft and both smile* so Maxi we have to go down stairs to get a breakfast with the others
Max: I love it when you call me Maxi
You: 😊 so wanna eat breakfast?
Max: yes I'm really hungry 😂
You: let's go then 😂

You went down stairs and you saw that Kaylin and Harvey was already there.

Kaylin: good morning lovely birds
You: ugh come on we just wake up don't start now
Kaylin: oh sorry you had a long night and you are really tired
You: we didn't did nothing last night absolutely nothing!
Kaylin: we are not sure about that you slept together
You: yeah because you kicked him out
Kaylin: and you said, why not to fuck with him
You: no I said we didn't did anything
Kaylin: well your mom...
You: what happened what she said were is she?
Kaylin: calm down girl she make breakfast and she ask us where were you guys and we told her you are still sleeping
You: and what did she said?
Kaylin: she said okay and she goes to get ready because she have to go somewhere
Mom: oh you woke up guys?
You: yes
Mom: how did you slept Max I know the guest room don't have a really good strom but anyways.
Max: I slept really good
Mom: okay guys anyways igtg nice to meet you again
Everyone: bye
You: wait she said guest room ?
Kaylin: yes because we are real friends and we say you slept alone
You: omg thank you guys
Harvey: eh bro we have a problem
Max: what is it bro?
Harvey: mom just called me and she told me that Mina just come for Christmas holidays
Max: fuck
You&K: who is Mina?
Max: an friend
You: friend?
Harvey: yes our families are really close each other and we know her since we were 8
Kaylin: oh you might be really close 😤
Harvey: yes we are, but we kinda not sorry we DON'T like her because she is mean and she wants everyone and everything to do what ever she says
You: ugh I hate her already
Harvey: wait I didn't finished now you are gonna to hate her even more
You: why?
Harvey: she always liked and she still like Max
You: WHAT?
Harvey: I told you
You: but-
Harvey: we all know you like him
Harvey: what? Oh sorry 🙃
You: ugh 😒

*Max's pov*
*back at home*

Sara:(their mom obviously) oh guys you are back?
Harvey: no we are still on our way
Sara: ha ha Harvey you are so funny (sarcastic)
Harvey: ik that
Sara: anyways guys Mina is here go to say hi
Max: pfff
Sara: guys she come for you because she missed you
Max: *whispering* especially for me
Mina: omg hey guys I haven't seen you for ages *she give a hug to Harvey but she gives a really long and tight hug to Max*
Max: can you pls... I can't breathe
Mina: sorry Maxi
Max: don't call me like that
Mina: why?
Harvey: eh how long you going to stay here?
Mina: for the whole Christmas holidays
Harvey: yeyyy *his thoughts*'whyyyyy'
Max: anyways.. I'm going for a shower
Harvey: okay
Mina: okayyy 😏

I roll my eyes and I left them. I went to the bathroom and OF COURSE I locked the door because she is sooo dirty and I'm sure she will try to get in. After some minutes I finished but I was surprised why I didn't hear the door trying to open. Anyways that was good, I went to my bedroom and I saw... Mina?!? She was sitting on my bed but hopefully she wore her clothes because some years ago, she was trying to get in the bathroom while I was in and she didn't managed it so she came to my bedroom and she was naked. Eww disgusting! I hate when she is doing that. Basically I hate HER.

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now