shopping (part 11)

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*at the morning*

You woke up and you was hugged but you thought it was Max so stayer more. But then you realized that you didn't slept with Max yesterday so you turn around and you saw Alex and didn't know what's you doing there.

Alex: oh good morning, wait what are you doing here?
You: honestly Idk

You both went down stairs to ask his mom what happened

Alex: mom
Lauren: good morning guys
Alex: what are she doing here especially how and why she slept on my bed with me?
Lauren: don't be rude with her
Alex: I don't mean it like that I basically we both wanna know why we slept together
Lauren: oh, last night you watched a movie and you both fell asleep and her mom didn't want to wake you up so she stayed here for the night
Alex: oh okay

After you ate breakfast you decide to go to the mall with Alex because you asked Kaylin to hang but she said she would go with her mom somewhere. You went there and you went at a lot of shops to duy something for you or for Christmas present, and you had really fun with him. So you decide to go at 'forever 21' to buy something for Kaylin or for you or both of you.

You: so what do you think about that one
Alex: it's very beautiful and it looks amazing on you
You: thank you, so I should buy it?
Alex: yess
You: okay I also want to see something for my best friend
Alex: okay

After an hour you decide what to take for Kaylin and you buy it. But then you saw a store with things for mans and then you remember the twins and Mark (also I forgot to mention that Mark had go at his grandparents for the Christmas so you would send the present to him) you have to buy them something. So you went in and you ask Alex for his help because he is a boy.

You: I need your help
Alex: ofc what's it?
You: so I have a guy best friend and I need your help to find something for him. Basically I have 3 guys.
Alex: okay
You: so what about this hoodie? About Mark
Alex: who is Mark?
You: *show him a picture*
Alex: oh yeah it's good but I think this one will match him better
You: you think ?
Alex: yes
You: *show him a picture of Harvey*this is Harvey, what do you think I should buy?
Alex: em I think you could buy this jeans or this shoes
You: I think I will buy the shoes
Alex: okay and what about the 3rd one?
You: I want something more special for him
Alex: is that Max?
You: yeah
Alex: what he likes to wear?
You: he likes hats and skull caps but I think it's to simple
Alex: then you can buy him a skull cap and a perfume or a watch
You: yeah right thanks for helping me
Alex: nothing every time

You buy you presents but you felt bad for taking gifts for the others and take help from him so you decide to buy him something too.
So you tell him an excuse to go out and you buy him a watch. You buy what you need so you went out to find him. And then you went at KFC to eat. You had really fun and talk a lot but he told you he wanted to go to the bathroom. And after he left you saw... Max, with Harvey and sadly Mina. They saw you so they come to say hi.

Max: hey y/n!
Harvey: heyyy
You: hey Maxi hey Harv
Harvey: ohhh 'hey Maxi'😏😌
You: omg Harvey don't start now
Mina: wait you said-
Max: I said YOU can't call me like that not her!
Harvey: yeah Mina has a different she only can called him like that like she does every night
You: ha ha ha you are so funny
Max: yes bro stop it's really annoying
Harvey: fine, anyways you are here alone?
You: no
Harvey: you are with Kaylin!
You: no I'm with a friend
Max: I didn't know you had other friends except Kaylin
You: yeah I met him last night at my mom's friend house
Max: wait him? He is a boy?
Harvey: someone is jealousss
Max: I said stop it
Harvey: okay sorry
Alex: *comes back* oh hey
Harvey: hey I'm Harvey and that's my brother Max
Alex: I'm Alex nice to meet you
Mina: and I'm Mina
Max: I forgot about her
You: every one
Mina: ha ha very funny
Alex: do you want guys sit with us?
Max: idk maybe you want to be alone
You: I don't have a problem I was going to ask you too but I thought he wouldn't want
Alex: why not we can get to know each other better
Max: no we don't want to ruin your time together
Alex: it's okay we are together since last night
You: *your thoughts* fuck
Max: *looks at you then back at Alex* wdym?
Alex: she stayed the night because she fell asleep and her mom didn't want to woke her up
Max: oh really? *look a bit upset at you*
You: *you mouthed* sorry I can explain
Harvey: eh guys we are gonna sit somewhere because I'm hungryyy
Max: yeah sorry bro
Alex: sit here
Harvey: are you sure?
Alex: 100%
Harvey: okay

Then they sits down and Max sit next to you and from the other was Harvey and ofc Mina next to Max and next to her and Harvey was Alex. You guys we're talking for an hour and a half and Max always said things to make you feel uncomfortable because he thought you cheat on him with Alex.

Max: I'm going to the bathroom
Harvey: okay
Mina: alone? 😏
Harvey: shut up Mina and sit down
Mina: ugh fine
*After some minutes*
You: going to the bathroom
Alex: okay
Harvey: yeah okay 😏😌
You: Max is going to come in a bit and also I'll go at girls bathroom
Harvey: okay okay fine

You went at the bathroom and you find Max who was going back.

You: Max
Max: what?
You: pls don't be angry we didn't did anything
Max: you slept with him
You: I fell asleep
Max: why should I believe you?
You: why not?
Max: who told me it's not like our hide relationship
You: you don't trust me?
Max: I....
You: you do or not?
Max: idk anymore
You: you never trusted me??
Max: no I trusted you
You: what about now?
Max: I trust you.
You: then why you are like that?
Max: I'm sorry girl I just don't want to lose you
You: you won't baby, you are my one and only
Max:*gives you a long thight hug*
You: *hug him thight back*
Max: *then he kissed you*
You: you need to go back
Max: I knowww but I miss you girl
You: I miss you too
Max: anyways I have to go back
You: okay 🥺

It's been hours since you left from KFC so you are now only you and Alex and he walk you home. You went there and you were at your door step.

You: thanks for everything today
Alex: anytime
You: oh I would forgot it, here!
Alex: what is this?
You: it's your Christmas present from me because I felt bad to buy things for my friends with you and don't take you anything
Alex: you didn't have to
You: I had I felt really bad
Alex: thank you
You: open it
Alex: wow it's amazing
You: I'm happy that you like it
Alex: ofc it's adorable thank you* and he hug you*
You: *you hug back then you broke the hug but you stayed still closed to each other really close*
Alex: *so he leaned in and he kisses you*
You: *you kissed back till you realized and broke the kiss*
Alex: I'm so sorry
You: it's.. It's fine... It's fine
Alex: are you sure?
You: yeah anyways igtg bye
Alex: bye

He left and you went inside and run at your room without even talk to your mom because you want to realize what just happened. You felt awful because you are with Max and he told you he trust you and now... He is not gonna know.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I was busy and I totally forgot. Anyways hope you like this part next one tonight or tomorrow love ya!

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