new crush? (part 10)

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*at the morning*

Harvey,Kaylin and Mina had woke up and eating breakfast and then Mina heard that the bathroom was in use so she said she wanted to take something from her room, but of course she didn't go at her's room and went at Max's to woke him up because she thought that you used the bathroom so she open the door and she saw something she doesn't want to. She saw you and Max still sleeping hugged and she was really upset with that so she slammed the door really hard so we both wake up.

You: what was that what happened?
Max: idk just go down stairs to ask them
You: okay but I think it was Mina who saw us
Max: yes that's what I think too

*down stairs*

Harvey: finally you woke up
You: what happened?
Harvey: wdym?
Max: someone slammed my door and woke us up
Kaylin: oh that was what we hear
You: yeah but you know who do it?
Harvey: Mina probably
You: but why
Kaylin: idk maybe she saw something 😏
Max: like?
Kaylin: idk maybe you were slept hug and naked after a long night 😏
You: we didn't did A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G
Kaylin: and what's that on Max's neck?
You: *you look at his neck and you saw the highkey you left him* eh idk
Harvey: then who knows?
Mina:*comes back and looked mad*
Everyone: *ignore her*
Harvey: Max what is it?
Max: eh
Mina: they slept hugged
Harvey: what?
Kaylin: we were sure about that
Mina: how?
Kaylin: you slammed the door
Mina: ugh
Harvey: we need explanations
You: maybe we didn't realize it cause we were sleeping
Kaylin: find a better excuse
Sara: good morning guys
Everyone: good morning
Sara: how did you slept?
Kaylin: nice
You: yeah, good
Sara: I hope you didn't....
Harvey: no mom
Sara: what about you Max?
Max: we don't even dating
Harvey: yeah we are not sure about that
Max: we don't
Sara: okay then

*at your house*

Finally you are back home without that Mina to annoy you but also you really didn't wanna leave because who knows what she is planning to do with Max. Of course you trust  him but her no way you don't trust her but it's Harvey here too so he will help him

Mom: hey
You: hey mom
Mom: how did was your day?
You: not interesting
Mom: I don't think it wasn't interesting
You: what do you want to say with that?
Mom: I think to be with your bestie and you crush all day it's the best thing ever and always something good happens so I don't think it's not interesting
You: yeah but I don't have a crush
Mom: and Max
You: he is just my friend
Mom: oh sorry I didn't know because you are always talking about him
You: yeah but-
Mom: I'm your mom you can trust me
You: ik, okay then I like him a bit
Mom: just like him?
You: yeah what else?
Mom: you seem more like boyfriend and girlfriend
You: we don't-
Mom: before you say it think about it first
You: think what?
Mom: are you sure you are not dating him
You: ... Yeah
Mom: at least he treats you right?
You: we are not dating
Mom: I'm gonna ask you one more time. Are you sure about that?
You: definitely
Mom: okay then, I'll go at my old's friend house Lauren. Do you want come?
You: em yeah why not I don't have anything better to do
Mom: okay
Mom: oh and she has two sons one is on your age
You: and why you are telling me that?
Mom: idk maybe you want a bf
You: I don't want a bf
Mom: okay I'm just saying

You went there and you rang the door bell and then a really tall blonde boy with blue eyes and cute face open the door. He let us come in 'maybe that's the boy my mom told me. Oh he is really cute. But wait y/n you have Max and he is the cutest boy. But to be honest he is cute too.'
*after some hours*
You are  still here your mom don't want to leave yet and I just staring at the boy and try not to make it obvious. But  seriously you don't even know his name

Lauren: Alex why you don't take y/n upstairs at your room or go for a walk?
You: *in your thoughts* Alex yes I got his name
Mom: yes anyways we will stay for a dinner
Alex: okay then, come on
You: okay

Alex stand up and make his way to his room and you follow him.

You: nice room!
Alex: thanks
You: so what we are going to do?
Alex: idk, do you like video games?
You: I'm not big fan but I play sometimes
Alex: okay then do you want now?
You: em yeah why not
You: *you got a new message*


Bby are you free tonight to go for a movie?

First I'm not and second what about Mina your mom said to hang with her because she doesn't have any friends here

First she has a headache today so she is in home all day and second since when you care about her?

Idc but I'm just saying, anyways igtg

So we were not going for a movie?

Sorry bby I'm in my mom's friend and I'll stay for dinner

Okay then 😢❤

Sorry bby 😔❤ bye

Bye I love you❤

I love you more ❤

*after hours*

You finally stopped but the dinner wasn't ready yet.

You: so what we are going to do now?
Alex: do you wanna see a movie?
You: yeah why not
Alex: okay what do you want?
You: idk something we both want to see
Alex: I don't have a problem I see everything
You: and romantic comedy?
Alex: yes everything
You: what about 'After 2'?
Alex: I haven't seen the first one
You: okay then we will see the first
Alex: and if we have time we can see and the second
You: okay

You sits on his bed and he put the movie. You were sitting next to each other and after some minutes you felt something. He stretched and he put his arm on your shoulders. But you didn't say anything. Also you thought about Max because he told you to go out without anyone else but you had to say no because you were there. And you felt really bad for that.

*after the movie*

The dinner was ready so you went down.

Lauren: hey guys
Alex: hey
Mom: what you were doing?
You: just played some video games and saw a movie
Mom: oh okay, em Alex can I ask you something?
Alex: of course
Mom: do you have a gf?
You: MOM
Mom: what I'm just asking
Alex: haha no I'm single as a pringle
Mom: have you ever had?
You: mom that's private question what if he doesn't want to answer
Alex: no it's fine btw yes I had
Mom: you must had a lot because you are really handsome guy
Alex: thank you but I don't think the girls think that too I mean I had gfs before but not that much as probably y/n had because she is really gorgeous
You: thank you but no I didn't had a lot I had 2-3
Alex: really?
You: yeah
Alex: oh I thought you had more because you are stunning
You: no I didn't
Lauren: then why you don't date Alex he is in your age
Mom: yeah
You: he is cute but-
Mom: oh I forgot you have Max
You: not exactly he is just a friend
Alex: anyways let's talk for something else

*after the dinner*

You went at Alex's room again because your mom told you you will stay little bit more so you decide to watch the 'After 2'

Alex: em can I ask you sth but you can answer if you want it's not important
You: sure tell me
Alex: when you said before you had only 2-3 relationships it was true?
You: to be honest yes but I didn't want to tell it in front of my mom
Alex: tell what?
You: I had only 2-3 bfs because I was a hoe
Alex: oh
You: yeah I used to mess with boys and had other boy every night in my bed
Alex: you used? You don't now?
You: no I changed
Alex: for a boy?
You: yes I really liked him for the first time
Alex: is than boy that your mom mentioned before?
You: yes it's Max. Anyways let's see the movie
Alex: okay

*after an hour*

Your mom came up to you to tell you that you are leaving but you both had fall asleep so she decided to leave you stay here the night.

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