new years party (part 13)

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*After some hours*

Kaylin was there so you are waiting for the others.

*door bell*

You: I'm going to open
Kaylin: okay
You: *open the door* hey guys *you hug them*
Harvey: hey
Max: hi
You: come in
You: so guys that's my cousin Natalie, Natalie this Max and Harvey
Harvey: nice to meet you Natalie, also this is Dobby and Dylan
You: hey guys I'm y/n that's Natalie I already told you and that's Kaylin, I'm sure Harv have already told you 😂
Dylan: yes he did 😂
Kaylin: em where is Mina she wasn't come with you?
Max: no
You: she told me she want to bring someone
Kaylin: you know who?
You: no

*door bell*

You: she is here
You: *open the door* hey Mina and... Alex?!?
Alex: you didn't expect me
You: no I didn't basically no one, eh come in
Mina: hey guys
Everyone: hey
Natalie: Alex?!
You: wait you know each other? How?
Natalie: he is my ex who broke up with me yesterday
You: really?
Alex: *nods shyly*
You: wait you broke up with Natalie for Mina?
Mina: I'm sorry but he didn't told me either
You: wait and before you meet Mina you liked me while you were dating my cousin?
Alex: I'm sorry 😔
Natalie: *stand up and run to the bathroom crying*
You: how dare you? She is hurt now
Alex: I know I'm sorry I didn't want to end this relationship like that but she was in LA and my parents moved here the previous week so we would break up anyways
You: yes but she loved you
Alex: I know I love her too but the distance-
You: if you really loved her you wouldn't care about the distance *and you run up stairs to find her*
You: open the door pls it's me I want to talk
Natalie:* she open the door still crying *
You: listen to me you have to forget him
Natalie: Ik but how?
You: just go down stairs and ignore him
Natalie: I can't
You: listen to me he never really loved you
Natalie: how do you know?
You: he find an excuse about the break up of being anyways
Natalie: he did?
You: yes so go down and just pretend like nothing happened like you don't know him
Natalie: okay but-
You: no buts, have you seen that Dylan? It's kinda cute right?
Natalie: to be honest, he is
You: you saw how he looked at you?
Natalie: no
You: he stare, so give him a chance but you know don't be easy but also don't be hard to get
Natalie: ik
You: nice so come on
You: we are back
Kaylin: are you okay
Natalie: yes I'm fine, basically I'm perfect
Kaylin: nice

You all sit down in the living room ( Harvey and Kaylin together at the couche, and next to Harvey dobby, at the other couche, Max, you and Dylan, at the armchair Natalie and at the other chairs Mina and Alex)for hours and talking and laughing and you saw Natalie and Dylan look at each other a lot of times.

Natalie: I'm going to the kitchen do anyone need something?
You: no I don't
Kaylin: yeah me either
Harvey: nope
Max: no
Dobby: no
Mina: no
Natalie: okay then *and she left*
You: *to Dylan* go
Dylan: where?
You: at the kitchen
Dylan: why?
Max: we all noticed the way you look at her
Kaylin: yes we did
Dylan: and what I'm going to tell her?
Harvey: that you like her obviously
Dylan: yeah but how?
You: just go and the words will come out  alone
Dylan: okay

*Natalie's pov*

I was at the kitchen till I heard footsteps. I turned around and I saw Dylan.

Natalie: oh hey
Dylan: hey
Natalie: you need something?
Dylan: no I... I just come here... Eh to see if.. You.. Are.. Okay?!?! Yeah
Natalie: oh I'm fine thanks for your interesting
Dylan: yeah... Ilikeyou
Natalie: you what?
Dylan: I... I.. I lik- oh fuck it *and he kissed her*
Natalie: *kissed back till they broke the kiss* eh
Dylan: sorry, but I like you
Natalie: yeah it's fine
Dylan:*just look at her and trurn to left*
Natalie: I like you too
Dylan: *turn back* you do?
Natalie: yes
Dylan: eh do you-
Natalie: no
Dylan: why I didn't finish my sentence
Natalie: Ik you are going to ask me out but no
Dylan: why?
Natalie: I leave at LA and you leave at Berkshire-
Dylan: idc. Idc about the distance I like you and that's all
Natalie: we will be together so little
Dylan: that's not a problem we can make it work
Natalie: can we?
Dylan: if you really want to
Natalie: you don't know how much
Dylan: then do you want to be my gf?
Natalie: yes
*kissed again*

*back to your pov*

You were sitting there talking till you all saw them coming.

Natalie: yeah guys we have news
You: you are together?
Dylan: yes
Kaylin: I'm so happy for you
You: yeah girl
Max: boy you come to London and you already found a gf
Dobby: I'm gonna die alone
Everyone: 😂😂
Alex: I'm happy for you
Natalie: thanks
Mina: me too, and sorry for-
Natalie: it's fine
You: guys in one minute we are going to change the year and I want to tell you something before it change. Basically me and Max want to tell you that we are dating 🙃
Kaylin: I knew it
You: ha ha yeah you knew it from the first time and you Harvey
Harvey: wait you are dating since the  Christmas dance?
Max: yes
Kaylin: and why you didn't told us we are best friends from the day we born
You: ik and I'm sorry but how we were going to tell you that the I'm dating the person who avoiding me
Kaylin: it wasn't difficult
You: yeah but it was awkward
Harvey: wait so you telling me you are not virgin ?
Max: no, specially 3 times
Harvey: what?
You: FINALLY you will stop teasing us and we will can cuddle. YAYYY
Kaylin: haha yeah but we knew it
You: okay Kaylin you were right for one more time
Dobby: guys just let this talk for late we have only 15 seconds.
Everyone: 3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR

Everyone was hugging and wish happy new year and finally you could kiss with Max without have them to tease you, and you kissed

You: *to Max* happy new year bby I love you
Max: *to you* happy new year I love you too
*And kissed again*

Here's some pictures of Dobby and Dylan if you don't know them (probably you will but 🤷‍♀️)

Here's some pictures of Dobby and Dylan if you don't know them (probably you will but 🤷‍♀️)

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Hope you like this part I know it's kinda sort but... Yeah. Next part will be more juicy 😉 thanks for the support tho, love ya ❤ (in love with this song tho😌)

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