new student (part 19)

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*after 2 weeks*

Everything it's perfect but the twins are still at the tour. You talk every night with Max in ft. And now you are at your house with Kaylin and talking.

Kaylin: girl did you hear about the party?
You: what party?
Kaylin: Jackson do a party tonight
You: and you telling me now?
Kaylin: yeah I thought you knew
You: we have to start to dress from now
Kaylin: wait we will go?
You: em yeah
Kaylin: oh
You: why you don't want to go?
Kaylin: I want but our boyfriends are out of town and-
You: don't worry we won't drink much
Kaylin: okay
You: so let's get ready
Kaylin: I don't have any dresses and we don't have time to go at my house
You: you can take one of mine if you want
Kaylin: thanks
You: no problem anytime girl you are my best friend

*at the party*

You went there and you had a lot of fun, Mark was there too. You really tried to don't drink much but you couldn't. (I don't mean you are alcoholic tho)

Kaylin: girl enough with the drinks
You: no one more
Kaylin: no girl you gonna be drunk again
You: no I won't
Kaylin: do it for Max at least
You: for Max.... Who is Max?
Kaylin: fuck
You: why you don't answer my question?
Kaylin: Max is your boyfriend
You: oh really I thought I didn't have one 🥴
Kaylin: yes you have and now we need to go back home
You: whyyyy it's too early
Kaylin: yeah but you are already drunk
You: no I'm not
Kaylin: yes you are
You: noooo
Kaylin: girl you need to go home now
You: ouuu hey boy you are really sexy
Boy: ehh ok-
Kaylin: sorry she is drunk
Boy: yeah I understand that
Kaylin: anyways I'm Kaylin
Boy: I'm Carson
Kaylin: nice to meet you oh and this is my drunk friend y/n
Carson: she just broke up or she use to drink at parties?
Kaylin: no she drink, she has a boyfriend and my either
Carson: I was expecting that 
Kaylin: why you say that?
Carson: because both of you are reallyy gorgeous
Kaylin: thank you
You: eyyy hotiee do you want to dance with me
Carson: nah better stay loyal to your boyfriend
You: what are you talking about I don't have a boyfriend
Kaylin: she is just drunk
Carson: yeah I got that
You: as I can see you are reallyyy hottt *and put your hands around his neck and then kiss his neck*
Kaylin: *get you off of him* girl we need to go home now
You: no leme make out with this hottie
Kaylin: I promise she is wayyy better when she is not drunk
Carson: haha I'm sure about, anyways better take her home before she do sth
Kaylin: that's what I'm going to do
Carson: okay then nice to meet you again and I hope I will meet you again somewhere
Kaylin: yeah me too
Carson: oh and when she is not drunk
Kaylin: haha yes

*at your house*

She take you to your house but she couldn't leave you here alone so she stayed the night

*next morning*

You woke up and your head was hurting, like always when you are after a party. Then you realize you had someone next to you and you freak out if you cheat on Max for 2nd time. But you saw you was wearing your clothes but if you made out with him. So you decide to see who it was. You saw that his hair was too long, but then you realize that was a girl.' A GIRL WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE? Wait I'm a bi or sth and I don't know? But I've never have feelings for a girl before. I need to know who she is.'

You: omg is you! *and you breathe out of relief*
Kaylin: *still sleeping* yeah who do you thought it was
You: idk
Kaylin: ughh you wake me up nowww
You: sorry
Kaylin: but fr who do you think I was?
You: first I thought you were a boy and I cheat on Max with you but the I saw you had long hair so I realized you were a girl but then...
Kaylin: then what?
You: don't judge me pls
Kaylin: I won't I promise
You: I thought I was bi and I didn't know
Kaylin: omg 😂
You: I told you not judge
Kaylin: I didn't judge, I just laught
You: it's the same for me
Kaylin: anyways so when you saw it was me what did you thought?
You: I relief but still I don't know what are you doing here
Kaylin: you were drunk and I get you home and because I didn't want to leave you alone I stayed here
You: oh okay but did I did something weird last night?
Kaylin: not exactly
You: what do you mean not exactly ?
Kaylin: you saw a boy and you flirt with him and you kissed his neck hopefully only his neck because I take you
You: omg ughhh who it was?
Kaylin: his name is Carson
You: oh I never heard that name again
Kaylin: yeah I think he isn't from here
You: did you get his number?
Kaylin: no
You: whyyy?
Kaylin: girl we both have boyfriends
You: and?
Kaylin: .... 😒
You: at least he was cute or I was flirting  with an ugly nerdy
Kaylin: first if he was nerd he wasn't at the party and second YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND
You: and where is the problem I just asking if he was cute
Kaylin: okay sorry
You: never mind
Kaylin: maybe you was drunk but you still have taste in men's
You: he was cute?
Kaylin: hot
You: ughhh I wish I remember
Kaylin: I told you not to drink
You: sorry
Kaylin: hopefully I was there
You: yeah

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now