you are the reason (part 20)

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* next day at school*

You were at school and you are at your locker but Kaylin wasn't with you so you saw Carson at his locker and went to talk to him.

You: heyyy
Carson: hey girl
You: so, I'm sorry for yesterday but-
Carson: no it's fine
You: yeah but I felt bad
Carson: you don't have to, you just already had something to do
You: yeah but.... Hey are you free tonight?
Carson: so we will go out tonight because we didn't yesterday?
You: yep, only if you want or you don't have something else to do
Carson: no I'm free
You: really? So you want to hang out with me?
Carson: ofc
You: nice, but what we are going to do?
Carson: we can go to cinema to watch a movie
You: yeah sure
Carson: okay then 8pm at the park?!
You: yeah
Carson: nice
You: *you stare at his smile, smiling and thought* omg his smile is so perfect and hot ughhh
Carson: eh are you okay?
You: eh yeah sorry igtg
Carson: okay see you there
You: yeah bye
Carson: bye
You: *you turn around and saw Kaylin look at you angrily* *whisper to your self* fuck
You: *go at her* heyy *shyly*
Kaylin: what were you did with him there?
You: nothing just talk
Kaylin: only talk?
You: yeah what else?
Kaylin: idk maybe you arrange to go out with him
You: eh no I.. I didn't
Kaylin: girl for 100th time you have a boyfriend
You: I know but I felt bad because yesterday I refused to go out with him
Kaylin: oh and you say I didn't fuck with him yesterday so let's fuck with him today instead
You: no, why you are always saying I'm gonna cheat on Max ?
Kaylin: I just want you to de in a healthy relationship
You: and where is the problem I'll do whatever I want, if you want to not cheat on Harvey then take care of YOUR relationship not mine
Kaylin: yeah but I don't want you heartbroken because I will be the one who you will come to cry
You: that's why you don't want to she me heartbroken? Because I'll come to cry at you? Okay then if this annoying you I'll let you alone
Kaylin: I didn't mean it like that
You: then what?
Kaylin: just I want to protect you
You: mind your business
Kaylin: I do it for your good
You: idc leave me to do whatever I want you are not my mom
Kaylin: so you gonna be a cheater?
You: I'll be whatever I want
Kaylin: so you will cheat on him
You: if I want
Kaylin: okay then but you have to know I won't be here to support you
You: okay then *and you left to your class*

*after hours*

The school just end you and Kaylin didn't talk the whole time and at the lunch you sat with Carson and Jackson

*Kaylin's pov*

I saw her the whole time she was with him she was talking and laughing with him and flirt like she doesn't have a boyfriend. I mean she is being a hoe again. We both promise we will be loyal and stay with our boyfriends but she doesn't seem to keep her promise. She needs Max here to control her. She just want a dick because she is alone and want to have sex but, girl you need to wait, I want it too but I'm waiting for my boyfriend. Maybe she doesn't talk to me but if she do something I'll try to stop her. But if she actually do I promise I'll tell Max cause he needs to know. Ik she is my best friend but I can't do anything else. I wish I could.

*your pov*

You are at your house and get ready for your date with Carson. 'Wait is this seriously a date or just a friendly walk?  Idk. But maybe Kaylin is right, maybe she knows I will cheat on Max, but- No I won't do what she is saying she is not my mom.' You are ready now and go at the park to meet Carson.

*at the park*

You: hi
Carson: hey
You: I was late?
Carson: no you are on time
You: nice
Carson: let's go we will miss the movie
You: okay

*after the movie*

Carson: did you liked the movie?
You: em yeah, but to be honest the end was kinda obvious and boring
Carson: yeah
You: anyways I have to go home 
Carson: can I drive you there?
You: it's not important 
Carson: no I have to, I take you out and I have to drive you home
You: okay then

He drive you home

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now