secret crush (part 5)

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*at lunch*

Max, Harvey and Kaylin had maths so they didn't come yet. It's just you and Mark, but you see he wasn't in mood, like everyday was, and you wondering why so you decide to ask him

You: hey Mark, are you okay? 
Mark: ye... yes I'm... I'm fine
You: boy we know each other so many years and I know when you are lying.
Mark: I don't lie
You: you don't trust me?
Mark: ofc I trust you, are you crazy?
You: then tell me
Mark: promise you won't tell anyone?
You: I promise
Mark: so... I like Kaylin
You: omg really? How long?
Mark: from 3th grade
You: omg why you never told me? And all those girls?
Mark: just I didn't want her to know
You: she liked you in 5th grade you had to ask her out
Mark: really?
You: yes
Mark: I thought I was just a friend
You: she like you for long time since she decided to tell you
Mark: but she never did
You: yeah because the day she wanted to tell you you told us for your new gf
Mark: omg and why she didn't tell me after?
You: because she saw you were happy with her so she was happy for that
Mark: I'm never happy if she is not around
You: now you have to be happy for her like she was for you
Mark: you think she will like me back again?
You: idk
Kaylin: *she was holding hands with Harvey*
Hey guys!
You: the entire school already knew about it and I didn't?How?
Kaylin: idk 😂
Mark:*to Max* it's hard to be always third  wheel, right? *stand up and left*
Kaylin: what's wrong with him?
You: honestly I have no idea

*at chemistry class*

Teacher: so that was the lesson for today but I want you guys to do a project about that
Everyone: noooo
Teacher: don't worry guys you will have a partner
Everyone:* look for their best friends*
Teacher: but I will put you in this duo
Everyone: ughhh
Teacher:*put the class in parteners*
You:*hope it's Kaylin*
Teacher: and Kaylin with y/n- no Kaylin with Mark and y/n with Max
(It was obvious I know 😅)
You:*looks at Max*
Max:*looks at you with disappointment*
Teacher: I want this project till TOMORROW!
Everyone: WHAT?
Lia: but Mr that's impossible
Teacher: nothing it's impossible and also your project is very easy
Everyone: ughhh


You: Max?
Max: what?
You: when you are free to do the project?
Max: at 6.00 pm it's okay?
You: yes, at my place?
Max: NO, sorry I mean no better at mine
You: yeah but if Harvey is bothering us or we bothering him
Max: no I think he will go at Jackson's for the project
You: okay see you there
Max: bye
You: bye

*Kaylin's pov*

Kaylin: bye baby!
Harvey: bye baby!
Kaylin: hey Mark!?
Mark: yeah?
Kaylin: where do you want to do the project
Mark: at your place at 6.00pm 
Kaylin: okay...

*back to your pov*
*at home*

You just arrived at home and you went at your kitchen because you want a glass of water and you saw your mom

You: mom?
Mom: hey sweetheart
You: what happened why you are back so early?
Mom: we end earlier than I thought
You: you said you would stayed there for a month but it was only 2 weeks
Mom: yeah I know, anyways what's yours news here?
You: nothing interesting
Mom: what's going on with that Max?
You: I have no clue
Mom: wdym?
You: I mean sometimes he talk to me some others no
Mom: why that?
You: idk, but Kaylin is dating Harvey
Mom: his twin?
You: yes
Mom: really?
You: oh and I have to do a project with Max today
Mom: he will come here?
You: no he wanted to go at his place idk why
Mom: oh no and I wanted to meet him
You: 😂😂

*at Max's house*

You:*ring the bell*
Boy:*open the door* hey you must be that y/n who Max says he has a project with
You: yes and you must be his younger brother
Boy: yes I'm Leo
You: nice to meet you I'm y/n but you already know my name 😂
Leo: yes😂
You: em where is Max?
Leo: wait. MAX, Y/N IT'S HERE
Leo: can I ask you sth?
You: ofc
Leo: you and Max are dating?
You: NO, I mean, what make you to ask that?
Leo: nothing but he keep talking about a y/n and I thought it was you
You: he really talk about me?
Leo: yes
You what did he said?
Leo: em he said-
Max: hey y/n
You: hey
Max: come on
You: okay
You: *walk in his room* wow nice house
Max: thanks but I think yours is better
You: haha idk but your room is really nice too
Max: thanx but I still think yours is better
You: wait you have seen my room?
Max: no but I think it's better
You: oh😂

*Kaylin's pov*

I'm waiting for Mark and I'm trying to understand why he was so upset this morning, I mean he always is happy and make everyone laugh with his jokes. Yes I still think he is cool and cute but I'm sure he will never like me back. But it's okay I'm over him anyways I also have Harvey now and he is really good with me and I don't want to leave him, especially from now I mean we are together less than 24 hours.

Mark:*ring the bell*
Kaylin:*run to open the door*
Mark: hey
Kaylin: hey, come in
Mark: thanks
Kaylin: how are you?
Mark: I'm fine what about you?
Kaylin: I'm nice but you know kinda confused but I'm fine
Mark: okay let's start with the project
Kaylin: okay

*after some hours*

Kaylin: finally
Mark: yes
*just look each other in eyes for some sec*
Kaylin: you want to say sth?
Mark: honestly, yes
Kaylin: okay, go ahead then
Mark: I can't hide it anymore I wanted to told you ages ago but I couldn't
Kaylin: what is it Mark?
Mark: Ilikeyou
Kaylin: what?
Mark: ilike-
Kaylin: I heard it I'm just shocked
Mark: oh
Kaylin: since when?
Mark: since 3th grade
Kaylin: not you're really cool, cute,  talented and funny
Mark: you think?
Kaylin: yes
Mark: oh
*they look each other again and start they lean in till they kissed*
*kaylin pull off when she realize*
Mark: I'm sorry
Kaylin: it's okay,  but don't tell anyone for this especially Harvey
Mark: ok
Kaylin: sorry Mark I can't broke up with him now I mean we are together less than 24 hours
Mark: ik it's fine I just wanted let you know
Kaylin: okay
Mark : Igtg
Kaylin: okay bye

*back to your pov*

Max: ughhh finally
You: omg yes I'm so exhausted
Max: yeah me too
You: I'm gonna leave now
Max: okay
*you lock your eyes till you decide to stand up*
You: eh see you tomorrow
Max: yeah bye
You: bye
*you walk out from the room when you remembered you forgot your phone*
*at the same time Max noticed your phone and take it to give it to you and you guys crash each other and you fell down*
You: ouch that hurts 😂
Max: yeah 😂
Max:*he stand up and he gives you you hand to help you but he pull you with a little bit  more power so you were really close and your head was 2 inches away*
*you stayed like that in a while but you step back and turned around to leave but he grap your wrist and pull you in and he kissed you ( it was obvious but 🤷‍♀️😂) *
*you kissed for a while but you broke the kiss and you just looked each other*
Max: sorry idk why I did this
You: it's fine,  it's fine anyways igtg
Max: okay bye
You: bye

And you left. At your home the only thing you thought it was that your kiss it was amazing,  you really wish it would stay like that more just kissing his perfect soft lips.

What do you think will happen next? Will Max and y/n tell them about their kiss?

Btw this not about the story but I put some music (my playlist) and the first song was 'New you' by Jayden Bartels and the video clip is with Max and Harvey, the second was 'Trade hearts' and the third was 'You are the reason' by Carson Lueders in which video plays Kaylin Slevin 😂 the whole cast is on my YouTube 😂

that's the link if you would like to hear it

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