party (part 3)

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*after a month*

You apologize at Kaylin about the 'fight' and she told you sorry for this and now everything it's like before, you are close with Kaylin and Mark, you talk and have fun with Harvey and of course Max is still avoiding you. Let's be honest he is talking to you at least the basic and you had caught him to stare at you in the class.

Your mom is in a trip for a month so you decide to make a party (like you always do)

*at school*

I think I don't need to mention that the whole school already know about the party

You: guys you will come to my party right?
Kaylin: of course girl you don't need to ask!
Mark: I don't think she ask you
Kaylin: then who?
Mark: the guys
Kaylin: oh yeah sorry misunderstanding
Harvey: it's okay
You: will you come?
Harvey: emm yeah I mean we don't have anything else to do anyways
Max: yeah
You: nice

*Max's pov*

Max: bro fr we will go?
Harvey: yeah why?
Max: because there is her place and no one can stop her to do dirty things
Harvey: and what's your problem?
Max: what if she want us for this?
Harvey: I'm pretty sure she will never do that to us even if she is drunk

Okay maybe it would be nice to lose my V-card with her, I mean she is sweet and oh my god her eyes is dreaming and I can easily get lost on them. And her smile, ahhh it's amazing with this perfect lips every time she is smiling I want to kiss her-
but what I'm thinking ughhh noooo, Max focus she is just a bitch who want you only for the bed, don't fall for her.
But she is perfect-
No stop thinking about her
Ughhh I can't she is stunning-
Omg some one help me pls

Teacher: Mr. Mills can you repeat what I just say?
Max: ehh
Teacher: the next time I will ask you I want you to know the answer, and if you don't better leave from my lesson
Max: sorry sir

Omg she is looking at me and smile
Ugh I need to stop

Harvey: bro are you okey?
Max: yes, I think so

*back at your pov*

The school just end and you are going for shopping with Kaylin to take an impressive dress for the party

Kaylin: what do you think about this?
You: omg girl is very beautiful
Kaylin: do you think I should buy it?
You: yes it's really cute and it looks very good on you!
Kaylin: awww thanks girl. What about you, have you find something?
You: yes and no
Kaylin: wdym?
You: I like this but it's too sexy
Kaylin: and where is the problem, I thought you want to be sexy for your party to get everyone's attention
You: yeah I like to wear this things but what Max is going to think about it?
Kaylin: why do you care about him so much?
You: em.... I... Idk
Kaylin: ydk?
Kaylin: girl I'm your best friend you can tell me anything
You: I know but idk your reaction about that...
Kaylin: just tell me, but I think I already know what are you going to say.
You: what I'm going to say?
Kaylin: do you like him?
You: idk
Kaylin: yes or no?
You: no but yes, idk I'm so confused
Kaylin: as I can see you like him, no write wrong, you are in love with him
You: I don't mean like that, just like him, maybe
Kaylin: don't worry girl I think he likes you too
You: no he don't, he said he isn't into hoes
Kaylin: yeah but have you ever seen the way that he look at you ? Or when you say something funny he  laugh. Have you ever notice it?
You: really?
Kaylin: yes
You: yeah but this doesn't mean anything
Kaylin: just trust me and if you want his attention just don't do anything at the party and be around him, if he will see you like that, without doing anything with other guys, he probably will make a move or just he will talk to you
You: okay... I'll try

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 // 𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣// Where stories live. Discover now