new member (part 23)

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*8 months later*

The school is over, so hopefully no one had to see this. It's your 9th month your doctor said that you will give a birth in a week or earlier so you wake up every day and thinking if today is the day. You are with Kaylin and Harvey at your house and chilling watching movies. As you understand Max still doesn't know about the baby, you tried to talk to him but he didn't listen. He didn't saw you after the school was over, and he didn't want to.

Kaylin: wanna see another movie?
You: sure
Harvey: yes but...
You: what?
Harvey: I ate all the pop corn 🥺😔😂
Kaylin: omg 😂
You: I'm going to bring some
Harvey: no stay here I'll go
You: fr Harv I can walk
Harvey: idc you don't have to as I'm here I can go
You: okay fine
Harvey: nice
Kaylin: hey girl have you thought any names for the baby?
You: yeah I think something like Erica if she is girl and Daniel if is a boy
Kaylin: why you didn't want to know the gender?
You: I just didn't want I want to surprise
Kaylin: okay...
You: ah ...
Kaylin: are you okay?
You: yeah just I'm hurting a bit-- ahh
Kaylin: are you sure, you are okay?
You: yeah
Harvey: hey I'm back, wait y/n em you had a glass of water near to you?
You: no why?
Harvey: then I think your water broke
You: WHAT?
Kaylin: oh my god, Harvey call the emergency she is giving a birth

After some hours you went to the hospital and you give a birth, and it was a boy the took him to clean him and they bring him to you.

Nurse: here your baby
You: thank you
Kaylin: omg he is so gorgeous
You: ik he looks like....
Kaylin: Max...
You: yeah... 😩
Kaylin: ik it's hard but we are here and we will help you with everything
You: thank you so much I'll need your help now for the start
Kaylin: I'll be always here
You: thanks girl
Harvey: *entered the room* hey girls
You: hi Harv
Harvey: omg he is like Max
You: yeah ik
Harvey: and like me when we were babies and we was exactly the same
You: Max had show me some pictures of you and him when you were babies you were so cute
Harvey: haha thanks
Kaylin: wow look at his eyes it really gorgeous
You: like Max's, it's exactly the same
Harvey: yeah that's true
You: ... 😔
Harvey: are you okay?
You: yeah I just miss him a lot and I wish he was here now...
Harvey: ik sometimes he can be so fucking dumb and he doesn't know when someone really loves him
You: it's fine
Harvey: yeah but if he really wanted to live his life without any responsibilities he had to wore condom
You: it's not only his fault we both didn't notice
Harvey: yeah but now he is a father he can't fuck a different girl every week
Kaylin: HARVEY!
Harvey: yeah you know every week it just an example, he doesn't really do this
You: it's fine
Harvey: no it's not
You: he just doesn't know because I didn't tell him if he knew he wouldn't act like that
Harvey: maybe
Kaylin: let's talk about something else
Harvey: yeah right, well what's is the name of my cute nephew?
You: Daniel
Kaylin: wait you take it from...
You: yeah 😊😂
Kaylin: and why not Harry?
You: idk I kinda like Daniel too
Kaylin: yeah but Harry it cuter
You: idk
Harvey: eh have you decide his name?
You: no 😂
Kaylin: oh wait why not Cedric?
You: no if I have to put a name like this I'll prefer Draco
Kaylin: Cedric is more usual than Draco
You: yeah and Harry than Cedric
Harvey: enough his name is Daniel, that's it
You: haha okay 😂

*after a year*

It's been a year when you gave a birth to Daniel and Max still don't know about him. But you decide to tell him, because Daniel said his first words which was mommy and daddy (with the innocent meaning ofc 😂).
He always said daddy and as you understand he wanted to meet him so you decide to tell Harvey to bring Max tomorrow at Daniel's first birthday. But you told him to find an excuse to bring him here.

*Max's pov*

It's been more than a year I haven't seen y/n. Of course I still think about her she is always in my head, Idk if I like her but I still think of her. But maybe she found someone else but it's fine she can make her life like I can, I'm not her boss to tell her what to do. But I hope she is happy. The first months we broke up I used to make out with a lot of girls but not anymore, I don't feel like I want it. I'll be again the old good Max who was single and he lived his life carelessly and didn't have to worry about the next girl he will fuck with.

Harvey: MAAAX
Max: WHAT?
Harvey: *went to his room* I need to tell you sth
Max: Kaylin is pregnant?
Harvey: no
Max: then idc
Harvey: wait why you only care if Kaylin is pregnant?
Max: because I'll be an uncle
Harvey: oh okay but no she is not
Max: then I told you idc
Harvey: you care
Max: I don't
Harvey: tomorrow is a very special day
Max: why it's your anniversary with Kaylin?
Harvey: no
Max: then?
Harvey: it's special for you
Max: for me?
Harvey: yes
Max: why, what do I have tomorrow?
Harvey: you will find out tomorrow
Max: ugh really now? You just wanted to tell me it's a special day? That's all?
Harvey: yeah
Max: really?
Harvey: yeah but you have to do sth or go somewhere to find out
Max: like?
Harvey: y/n's house
Max: what? No way I'm not going there
Harvey: you have to.
Max: she told you to tell me it's a special day tomorrow and go to her house to make up with her?
Harvey: no, but if you want to find out you have to go
Max: I'll think about it but the 80% of the answer is no
Harvey: I'll hope at this 20%
Max: anyways do you want anything else?
Harvey: no
Max: ok
Harvey: oh and if you don't want to go I'll take you there *and left the room*
Max: ugh *and lay to his bed*

*back to your pov*

You are with Kaylin to your house and playing with Daniel.

You: you think he will manage to bring him here?
Kaylin: it's his brother he probably knows the way to persuade him
You: ik but what if he doesn't want and he will come only for his brother?
Kaylin: you think he still don't like you?
You: we haven't talked for over a year
Kaylin: I'm 100% sure he is still thinking about you
You: yeah he will still think how much I hurt him
Kaylin: no I mean he thinks about you because he still loves you and miss you
You: no he doesn't
Kaylin: why you are always so negative?
You: I'm just sure for some things I'm not negative
Kaylin: no you are always think negative
You: whatever
Harvey: hey girls
You: hi
Kaylin: hey baby
Harvey: what happened why you are like that?
You: nothing
Kaylin: I just told her she always think negative
Harvey: to be honest she is right
You: ofc you will support her
Harvey: no it's not for that I just saying the truth
You: well I don't do it every time
Harvey: girl because you don't like the truth you don't need to be upset
You: I'm not upset but it's not the truth
Harvey: I know you will never admit it but it is
You: just shut up Max *then you realize what you said* I.. I mean Harvey
Harvey: you still love him
You: why he is always gone when I need him? Why?
Harvey: I talk to him about tomorrow and I told him he needs to come here to find out why is a special day, and he said he will think about it but I told him I'll take him even if he doesn't want
You: he doesn't need to do something he doesn't want to. I don't want to come here only because he have to, I want to come here because he wants to
Harvey: yeah but he has to know
You: I know
Kaylin: I think you mustn't have told him about her house and you will bring home here without he knows
Harvey: I know I didn't think it
You: anyways it's fine
Daniel: Dada (baby voice)
You: I promise you will meet him baby
Mom: *from down stairs* I'M BACK
You: OKAY! So now stay here with uncle Harvey and aunt Kaylin because mommy has to go to your grand mommy. *you kissed his forehead and you hold him to Kaylin and went down stairs*
You: hey mom
Mom: hey girl
You: hopefully you would be here at Daniel's first birthday
Mom: yeah I'm so happy I managed it
You: yeah
Mom: what about his father?
You: he said he will think if he come
Mom: you told him?
You: no but Harvey told him he needs to come
Mom: oh, I hope he will come
You: I think he will
Mom: how's Daniel btw
You: he is happy and playing upstairs with Kaylin and Harvey
Mom: at least his brother help you
You: yeah, anyways I'll go up stairs with the others
Mom: okay

It's short but I want to make on last part for the end! Next part in few minutes.... It's the last part... I'm so sad that it's going to end so soon 🙁 hope you like it! ❤

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