last day with you (part 17)

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*after a month*
*at school*

You were at your history class and you want sooo much to end and go to find Max but the time pass slow and sadly you don't have no one of your friends are there only Derek who is looking at you all the time but you ignore him. Finally the class end and you are going to find your friends.

Derek: *come after you and grab your wrist* hey girl where are you going?
You: my friends.
Derek: why you don't come with me?
You: why to come with you?
Derek: you know, to do the things we used to do then
You: no I have a boyfriend and if I want to do this things I'll go with him
Derek: oh yeah I forgot you have your Romeo
You: ugh just leave
Derek: why?
You: because I hate you
Derek: no you don't
You: yes I do
Derek: I won't let you go with him
You: you can't tell me what I have to do
Derek: oh I can, if you want your friends and your boyfriend to be alive
You: don't be an asshole to get what you want that's not right that's why you don't have any friends
You: are you sure about that? *and point at his 'friends' who is talking for him and laugh*
You never had really friends you just threatened them and they are scared to not get hurt.
Derek: you are a hoe
You: I'm not a hoe because I'm telling you the truth, you just don't like it *and you left*

You: hey guys
Kaylin: hey girl why you were so late
You: just Derek
Max: what about him, did he hurt you?
You: no bby, he didn't did anything, he just want to make out but ofc I refuse it 
Max: I'm going to kill him
You: no bby it's fine
Max: the next time he is going to do something to you I'll kill him I swear
You: you don't need to bby I got it I can do it on my own
Max: what if he get you drunk and-
You: you don't trust me?
Max: eh... I... -
You: okay, I got it, you don't
Max: no I do
You: then why you thought about it?
Max: you know after what happened idk if-
You: it's have been a month since that and you still don't trust me?
Max: ....
You: anyways I have to go
Kaylin: wait I'll come with you
You: thanks but you don't have to
Kaylin: no I want to
You: no stay here anyways I want some time alone
Kaylin: you sure?
You: yes *and you left*

The school end and you going to home alone.
Till someone came next to you but you didn't see who it was till he talk.

Derek: why are you alone?
You: what is your problem?
Derek: I thought you have friends
You: I have
Derek: then where are they?
You: none of your business
Derek: do you want me to walk you home? 😉
You: Derek just go
Derek: why?
You: omg just go
Max: she told you to go
Derek: you again
Max: yes me what you going to do now
Derek: you think I'm scared of you?
You: Max I told you I don't need your help I got it
Derek: you see she wants me
You: no I don't like you
Max: girl I don't think you can on your own
You: why, because you don't trust me?
Max: I didn't say that
You: that's what you mean
Derek: you see girl he don't trust you but if you come with me I will let you do whatever you want and I'll trust you for ever
Max: bro she is mine
Derek: you don't seem to treat her right tho
Max: because I want to protect her it doesn't mean I don't treat her right
You: ugh you both need to stop and let me alone
Max: so we are over?
You: no I just want to be alone for today
*and you left*

*Max's pov*

The school ends and I saw y/n walking alone and I want to go to talk to her but... Idk if she will hear me. Then I saw she was talking with Derek. I swear I'll kill him. I need to take him away from her.

(I'm bored to write again the dialogue)

Max: so we are over?
Y/n: no I just want to be alone for today 
*and she left*

Idc if she is going to break up with me I'll follow her.

*back to your pov*

You arrived at your home but before you went in....

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