break up.....again (part 21)

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*next day*

You didn't have school but first you had to go at Kaylin's to talk to her before the twins come back from the tour. You get ready you went to her house and rang the bell.

Kaylin: y/n?
You: hey
Kaylin: what... What are you doing here?
You: I want to say sorry
Kaylin: for what?
You: for not hearing you
Kaylin: ??
You: can I come in to talk to you better?
Kaylin: em yeah
You: thanks
Kaylin: so?
You: it's.. About... Carson
Kaylin: what about him?
You: you told me but I didn't heard you
Kaylin: wdym?
You: you told me one of this walks won't end up friendly
Kaylin: you did it?
You: no we just made out

You heard something dropped and you turn around and saw....

*Max's pov*

Today I will finally go home and I'll see my bby after a month I really miss her, but I have to find out what happened all this week and she didn't talked with me. We decide to go first at Kaylin's for Harvey to surprise her and after I'll go at y/n's.

*rang the bell*

Kaylin: *open the door* omg babyyyy *and jump on him and hug him*
Harvey: heyyyy
Kaylin: I missed youuu
Harvey: me too *and they kissed*
Max: cough, cough
Kaylin: oh sorry, hey Max
Max: hi
Kaylin: come in guys

We sit at the couches and they sit hugging.

Max: em can I ask you something?
Kaylin: yeah sure
Max: last week you hang with y/n?
Kaylin: em.... Yeah
Harvey: but how she didn't talked with Max?
Kaylin: she didn't?
Max: no

We heard the bell

Kaylin: go to hide maybe it's y/n
Harvey: okay
Max: where?
Kaylin: go there
Harvey: ok

She open the door it was y/n. I wanted to go out and hug her so bad, but wait what she is saying, Carson?! Who is he? Wait she said the walk didn't end up friendly? I need to go out.

Y/n: you told me one of this walks won't end up friendly
Kaylin: you did it?
Y/n: no we just made out

Then my phone dropped from my hands.

*your pov*

I turned around and I saw Max

You: Max?!
Max: you didn't expect to find me here
You: no
Max: I came here to surprise you and spend my day with you but instead you surprised me
You: how did you know I would come here
Max: we just come here for Kaylin first
You: I'm sorry I didn't mean it I told him we are dating but he kissed me
Max: he didn't just kissed you, you made out so that means you kissed him back
You: I didn't realize it but when I did I stop it and I left
Max: idc you made out with him so you cheat
You: I'm sorry I didn't want to
Max: yeah but you did, you wanted or not you did it and now it's over
You: I'm sorry
Max: I give you my heart once and you break it, I give it to you again and you broke me again, you broke me twice I can't stay here anymore, we are over
You: wait...
Max: no girl it's over we are over that's the last time we will talk I don't want to talk or see you again
You: yeah but at the school?
Max: we have only 2 months till the end I will manage it
You: ... *you just looked at the floor*
Max: I'm going to tell you for 3rd time. The last time. BITCHES NEVER CHANGE *and he left*
You: *sit at the couch and cry*
Harvey: I'll change his mind if you want
You: thanks Harv but he is right
Harvey: but-
You: no he is right I broke him twice, I thought I change but I didn't he is right bitches are always bitches no matter what
Harvey: okay I'll do it for you
You: thanks
Harvey: and because he didn't want to talk with you it doesn't mean I won't either. Idc if he like it or not I'll stay your friend
You: thanks Harv, and Kaylin I'm sorry for not hearing you for one more time
Kaylin: never mind I can't stay away from you within a second. All this week I felt so empty
You: me too
Kaylin: I won't leave you again
You: me too and I'll hear you the next time
*and you hugged*
Harvey: sorry girls I have to go
Kaylin: why?
Harvey: I have to find Max
Kaylin: he won't go somewhere far he probably will went home
Harvey: true but also I need to take a shower and chill a bit because I'm tired
You: you can stay with Kaylin if you want I'll go home
Harvey: no it's fine I'll talk to her tonight or tomorrow
You: are you sure?
Kaylin: yeah
You: fine
Harvey: okay then bye
You: bye
Kaylin: byee
You: girl I need to tell you sth now we are alone
Kaylin: sure tell me
You: I'm late
Kaylin: where?
You: I'm late on my period for a whole month
Kaylin: oh... Wait you mean....
You: yes
Kaylin: how? When it was the last time you had sex?
You: before a month with Max before he left for the tour
Kaylin: wait that's why you were sick the next day?
You: probably
Kaylin: so the kid is Max's
You: yes
Kaylin: we have to tell him
You: no, not yet
Kaylin: why?
You: first I'm not ready, second he doesn't want to see me and third we are not sure
Kaylin: you haven't do a pregnancy test?
You: no I wanted to be with you cause I'm nervous
Kaylin: okay I'm going to take one I'll be right back
You: okay

*when she came back*

Kaylin: here. Take it
You: thanks
*after 5 min*
Kaylin: what is it?
You: idk
Kaylin: see it then
You: I can't pls look at it and tell me
Kaylin: well... It's good because it can be bring you back with Max, but bad because you have to keep it for 9 months. Basically for 8 because you already spent the first one
You: fuck
Kaylin: let's take it from the good way I'll be an aunt and you will make up with Max
You: he won't believe me
Kaylin: then show him in 8 months
You: idk I can't tell him
Kaylin: yeah but we have to tell Harv
You: I know
Kaylin: hopefully we have only 2 months till the school is over forever
You: yeah

I know it's sort but.... Anyways tell me what you think about it, did you expect that? I know I said I would post it yesterday but I totally forgot, sowwyy, oh and the story is about to end soon 🙃

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